Ebook Sample Content Preview:
The Email Marketing Report Card - Do You Pass?
Anyone can through together and email and send it out to subscribers. Even building subscribers isn’t terribly difficult. Most people will sign up if you are offering them something of value that they want. But creating an email marketing campaign that’s highly effective and creates a high click through rate is not something everyone does well. As a result, many many people are wasting their time sending out emails and not getting the results they want.
Let’s have a look at this email marketing report card and you can decide if you pass or fail. You can also decide where you need to make changes to increase your click through rate.
#1 Does your email have a goal? What is the purpose of your email? Are you telling your subscriber what you want to share and what you want from them? Email should always be action orientated. And your message should be clear and concise. Test it. Ask someone not familiar with what you are doing to read your email and get their response.
#2 Do you have a real person, company, or brand in the ‘from’ name box? You need to make sure that your email is coming from someone real. These day’s people are much more cautious and if they cannot connect the email to someone real, it’s going to land in the trash or even in their spam.
#3 Does your email address come from a real person? You should not be using email addresses like admin@ or sales@ These will not be nearly as effective as using an email address that’s from a person like sally@ or john@. Subscribers want to connect with real people.
#4 Does your subject line contain an action oriented or compelling subject? Your subject line should contain a call to action. However, you only have 45 characters here so use them wisely.
A common mistake is to have a subject line that is too long. It then gets cut off and ruins your message. Go for short and sweet - keep it easy to understand. In this case, less is better.
#5 Do you have at least two links in your email? Have you made use of an anchor text link in the first sentence? You need to! You can place links with tracking URLs in the rest of the email.
#6 Does your email comply with CAN-SPAM Law? This is very important; otherwise, you’re going to find your email in the spam folders. To comply you must include your company name and address as well as an unsubscribe link. If someone wants to unsubscribe you must do this within 10 days of being notified.
That’s it - well did you pass? If yes - congratulation! If no - that’s okay, because now you can get to work fixing.
How to Create New Content for Your Email Campaign
Whether you have ran an email campaign for some time and are running out of ideas or you are new to email campaigns and aren’t sure what type of content to use, you’ll find these ideas offer a great way to expand your reach, keep your current subscribers, along with obtaining new subscribers.
Your goal is to generate leads from your site by offering visitors relevant content. You must always have in your mind the question "What’s in it for me?” That’s what visitors are always asking themselves before signing up for what you have to offer. Your job is to make sure you are offering something that answers that question in a manner that will have your visitor subscribing.
Types of content you can offer are numerous. Let’s have a look at a few great ways to hook your visitor.
1. E-book or whitepaper - Create around six blog posts that discuss a similar topic(s) and then combine them to make yourself an e-book or whitepaper. Depending on the length of the blog, you might need more post. Feel it out as you go.
2. How to Guides - People want to know how to accomplish all kinds of things. All you need to do is create a simple guide for your visitors that they can download. For example, perhaps you sell an analytics product, and then create a guide on how to effectively use this kind of product.
3. Top Industry Trends - This could be the top 5, top 10, etc. whatever you have to work with. Write a quick introduction on these new developments in your industry and write about these developments telling the reader what you think about each of them.
4. Create a video of the product - Videos have become very popular and at no time has it been easier for anyone to upload a video and then share it with the customer and prospects. Create a video showing all the features of your product, how to accomplish a specific goal, or whatever else. Then use that video to have them move forward in the sales funnel.
5. Checklist - You can create a checklist that is made up of steps that your visitor can use to solve a specific problem. For example, if your visitor is looking to use Facebook pages, you could create a checklist that walks them through the process.
You now have five types of content you can use to engage your visitors and have them commit to being a subscriber. Why not give them a try?