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Nobody likes rejection or criticism.
It absolutely terrifies most people and that's why many of them will never get anywhere in business or in life. No matter what you do you run the risk of being criticized or rejected by other people.
Every single time you create an article, newsletter, eCourse or report you put yourself in a position for someone to criticize you. That one fact alone stops most people in their tracks before they can even start because everybody (on some level) wants to be accepted.
Not everyone is going to like what you put out there so you need to come to terms with that right now and understand that you're not alone. Even the gurus get a little nervous when they release something to the masses. You just have to be willing to push through that fear.
You'll soon start to realize (as I did) that the majority of people will appreciate your efforts and look to encourage you on to bigger and better things. Forget the
losers who have nothing better to do than to tear someone else down so they can feel taller.
Success comes to those who plan for it and are bold enough to go after it no matter who stands in their way. Plan for success then boldly move forward with your plan no matter what.
I'm not the greatest writer in the world but at the same time, I don't ask anyone for permission to write and be successful at it.
Don't ask for permission to succeed and don't worry about how people will react to your work. As long as you take the time to make sure you do your best, you have reason to be proud of yourself.
Everyone had to start somewhere and the people who would criticize you the harshest only want to keep you down so you don't ever develop the skills needed to compete with them. Ignore them and keep moving forward towards your goals.