Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Making use of common words that may be also construed as trigger words should be avoided. Avoiding these words is important in ensuring the process of reaching the desired target audience is not hampered in any way.
Using the spam tool to help detect the possible trigger words in the email, the user is then able to replace these words with other similar words and thus successfully avoiding the rejection of the email in the filtering process.
Using short cut methods of cutting and pasting information to form the contents of the email is a definite thing to avoid. Besides being deemed unimaginative it can also end up being incoherent as the final piece reaching the recipient may not appear as it would on the user’s newzapp template.
Also if the content is so similar to the perhaps original designer than there is a high probability of it being recognized as a copy and thus causing the recipient to choosing to go with the original promoter rather than purchasing from this sender.
Avoid underlining the general text content of the email. The links usually already appear as underlined content and if other ordinary text also appears underlined it would only confuse the recipient. If something need to be emphasized then opting to use other different fonts is a better style to consider.
Keeping the content easy and simple to down load is an important consideration, especially if the recipient does not have good internet connection or is still on the old dial up system.
Avoid using large images and lengthy text content and this is very time consuming and difficult to download not to mention it may cause an inpatient recipient to delete the email altogether.