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I was in a little convenience store the other day and I saw a sign posted on the cash register. It said something like, “We strive to always be kind, polite, helpful, patient, and courteous. However, it is hard to remember that the object is to drain the swamp when you are up to your behind (cleaned up ?) in alligators.” I laughed of course, but it occurred to me that list building could be described the same way.
Email marketers are busy people. There are alligators at every turn. It’s hard to remember sometimes that without our lists we wouldn’t have a business at all and that list building really is our version of draining the swamp. We really do need to concentrate on draining the swamp and spend less time worrying about the alligators.
There are many opt-in list building techniques that can be used. Some of these techniques you may be familiar with. Others might be ones that you have never thought about.
Working hard at building your opt-in list and using all of the techniques that we will discuss here won’t guarantee your success at email marketing but not working hard at building your opt-in list and not applying everything you can learn to it will most certainly guarantee your failure.
These opt-in list building techniques can be applied to any kind of online business venture. Some kinds of Internet businesses aren’t as dependent upon email as email marketers but all kinds of Internet businesses can profit greatly from an opt-in list that is made up of those who have already made purchases and those who have shown an interest in the products and services being sold by adding their names to an opt-in list.