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What if I told you that making money online is really not all that different from making sales in the brick and mortar world? That's right. The rules of online selling haven't revolutionized how people sell. There's nothing new.
Indeed, the bad news is, if you're having a tough time selling stuff online, it's precisely because the rules of selling hasn't changed. You still have to work with these principles, or else you'll continue to struggle or continue to fail.
The good news? These can be easily adapted to the internet.
It's important to understand what these principles are and their online adaptations, so you can take full advantage of online traffic. Using these classic principles, online income success can be boiled down to six basic truths.
If you want to make money with a mailing list and enjoy financial freedom, you have to wrap your mind around these six basic truths. Make no mistake about it, your budding online income empire depends on it. It must address these six basic truths and the principles they contain.
Truth #1: Create demand out of existing demand
What if I told you that the cheapest source of new business does not involve printing out ads, putting together a Facebook campaign, or spending money on Google Adwords? Instead, the cheapest source of clients for your business are your existing customers. Whether they have bought from you in the past or they're just members of your list, they are the cheapest source of new business.
Truth #2: Credibility and authority builds trust that ensures sales When was the last time you bought something from somebody that you did not know? I would venture to guess that your answer would be never. Put in another way, when was the last time you bought something from somebody you did not trust? Again, I would bet that your answer would be never.
That's how most normal people think. They don't buy from people they don't know.
They don't buy anything worth of value from people they simply do not trust.
Email List Building
Unfortunately, a lot of online entrepreneurs are completely clueless regarding this. A lot of them are under the impression that they just need to show ads, drop links all over the place, and somehow, some way, enough trust would be built, and the people would join their mailing list. They've completely overlooked the fact that most people who have their wits about them will only trust if there is some sort of advanced proof that would warrant such trust. That's how normal people think.
Truth #3: Credibility and authority are earned over time
There is such a "get rich quick" atmosphere surrounding online income systems that people have completely overlooked the fact that you need your customer's trust to turn them from webpage visitors to paying customers.
To get that trust to materialize, you have to build authority and credibility. This is not achieved overnight. This doesn't happen instantly. Sadly, too many online entrepreneurs think that they just need to show the right page at the right time to the right people and they will make money.
It would be nice if it were that easy, but it isn't. You have to establish credibility first. You have to create the impression in people's minds that they know you enough for them to like you. Once they like your brand, to a certain degree, you can then build enough trust in their minds that they would want to take a risk by joining your mailing list. That's how it works.
People are not just automatically going to fall over themselves filling out your squeeze page just because you dropped the right page in front of them. You have to work with the elements of that page to earn their trust. Often times, you need to show that page several times or show content related to that page to become credible and authoritative enough for them to trust you with their email address.
Truth #4: Your existing customer base is your cheapest source of sales
Old school salespeople know this like the back of their hands. Unfortunately, a lot of online entrepreneurs are under the mistaken impression that they have to spend money hand over fist trying to chase after new leads, when it turns out that they could be squeezing more value for those hard earned dollars by simply marketing to their list.
Truth #5: Building relationships based on trust generates sales over the long haul
If you want to become the next internet millionaire among your circle of friends, listen up. If you take care of your list and turn it into an asset instead of letting it remain a
Email List Building
liability, you may be able to generate repeat sales off the same list over an extended period of time.
This maximizes your return on investment, this produces a very positive return on effort, and this can be quite profitable indeed.
The secret? Build a relationship. Those people who joined your mailing list are not wasting their time, at least they don't think they are.
The reason why they trusted you with their email address in the first place is because they want to hear what they have to say. Don't abuse this trust. Build on it over the long haul.
Avoid short term thinking. Don't believe that you have to convert all these people instantly, otherwise, you're going to drop them like a hot potato. That is a one way ticket to continuous business struggle and eventual failure.
Truth #6: Monetize based on interests
People joined your list for a certain reason. Focus on that reason.
Old school salespeople know that relationships are built on specific interests. When they keep the relationship focused on specific interests and related interests, they open up all sorts of potential sales and income opportunities. Apply these principles to your online business and you would not have to worry about finding new products to sell to your existing list.
This book reworks the old school sales truths listed above, and applies them to an online setting. This adaptation enables online entrepreneurs, such as yourself, to make money over the long haul.
I will present the whole sales process from the beginning all the way to full implementation. I will step you through the process. I need you to make sure that you don't race through the steps.
You need to understand each and every one of these steps, test them thoroughly, and tweak them to fit your particular set of circumstances. Once you've done that, you need to optimize them and maximize their performance before moving on to the next step. This is not a race. This is not a sprint. It's a marathon. If you're able to run this online sales development marathon properly, you are well on your way to making the kind of online income you have dreamt of.
Email List Building
But it all boils down to you. Nobody can make these results materialize for you. You have to implement them. You can't just keep this information in your head. You actually have to carry them out, test them, tweak them, make them fit your particular situation, until you get the results that you are looking for.
Remember, you are building a sustainable sales system intended to produce money, not just now, but long into the future.
Your mailing list can be such a long term income producing asset. For that to happen, however, you have to set it up the right way. Follow the steps below. Feel free to experiment with them and make the necessary adjustments so as to maximize the results you get.