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Email marketing is the art of making money from your email list. It is one of the ways to make money even if you don’t have a fixed blog. As long as you have a list of responsive prospects of customers whom recognize you as an expert in your niche, they will definitely be up for offers of value which you provide for them.
How does this work, actually?
Well, if you have a website and you draw in some traffic, people will come, absorb some information and go away.
However, if you managed to capture their emails, you can to email them again and again – offering them nuggets of useful information or giving them offers that they might be interested in.
Marketers have recognized the potential of email marketing in generating huge profits, and has since then sought out to find the best ways to monetize their list through good email marketing practices.
This ultimate email-marketing guide aims to reveal these good practices so you can learn and apply the strategies to start raking in massive profits from your list.
Chapter 2
Basics Of Email Marketing
These emails are the contact information of visitors who come to your site who are looking for specific information on your niche topic.
In order to build a list, you will need to have an email autoresponder set up.
The two most common autoresponders in the market are:
-Get response (www.getresponse.com)
-Aweber (www.aweber.com)
It is compulsory for anyone who wishes to start an online business to get an autoresponder account. This will be used to manage your subscribers and mass email your list with offers and information of interest.
Once you have an autoresponder account set up, you’ll have to set up a business system for collecting leads or subscribers, which I will go into detail in chapter 3 on list building essentials.
Now, with an email list, not only can you continuously build rapport with your subscribers, you can also offer them products of interest.
Traffic that comes and is not captured is a waste.
People are looking for specific information and they will leave forever once they have found out.However, if you manage to capture their emails, you can
continue to provide value and turn them into your loyal customers or followers. This is where the power of email marketing comes in.
But first, let us look at some list building essentials, for how can we make money through our list without a list to start with?
Chapter 3
List Building Essentials
So how do you start building a list, exactly?
You will first need to set up your list funnel. It typically consists of 3 components:
1) Landing page or Squeeze Page
2) Free Gift or “Bribe”
3) Opt in box
The landing page is a simple one page website which consists of a headline, sub headline, pitch & benefits and call to action.
What You Need
The headline has to be eye-catching and bolded to immediately get your reader’s attention. The sub headline will reinforce the message of the headline.
The purpose of the page is to “bribe” a visitor to enter his name and email in exchange for a free gift. This could be an e-book, e-course or weekly newsletter.
The benefits are meant to explain what the reader would get from this free gift and to improve sign up rates.
Finally, in the call to action, you inform the reader that they must enter their name and email to get the free gift.
The place where the reader enters his contact information is known as the “opt in box”, which can be obtained from to email autoresponder host website.
Autoresponders like Getresponse offer easy customizations for opt-in boxes to make boxes suit your site layout easier.
Alternatively, you can choose to put your opt in box in your blog or website to collect subscribers. The choice is entirely yours but landing pages often have higher opt in rates because visitors only have less choices – Opt in or don’t as compared to blogs.
There you have it; your list building system is ready. All you need is a bunch of traffic and you’re all set to build a huge list!
Chapter 4
Writing Compelling Email Headlines
The most important component of an email is your headline. If your headline fails to grab your reader’s attention within the first few seconds, the whole email is wasted – They won’t even open it!
So what are good headlines, exactly?
It has to ignite the emotions of curiosity and don’t seem like blatant pitching. You have to word it in a way that makes it seem interesting, in a way that would make someone want to open it.’
For example:
Subject: “This Hopeless Beggar Turned Into A Self Made Millionaire Within 6 Months!
A title like this creates curiosity – People would like to know how someone as disadvantaged – Like a beggar turned his life around. If even a beggar could do it, so could he/she!
Recently I came across another headline which caught my attention because it managed to include sexual vibes without coming off as spammy. Sex is a powerful emotion and strong motivator and often gets people (especially guys!) to look.
The title went something like this: “Subject: Don’t let your wife know you’ve seen this!”. As suggestive as it sounds, it worked in getting people to open it.
Try to play around with your words to find the right balance between curiosity generation and getting the message across.
Last but not least, it is highly important that your headline be relevant to the content of the email body, or else you’ll be essentially training your subscribers to treat your emails like rubbish!