Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Number 15:
Subject: [DAY 15] Outlining Your Sales Letter Part 2
As you continue to work on your sales letter, a few points to keep in mind with the Warrior Forum.
First: No income claims are allowed. You can't tell readers that they will make $XXX amount of dollars in a certain period of time.
That would go for exact number of subscribers someone could get or website traffic or rankings. You can say this will help you get subscribers, higher rankings or website visitors, but no exact numbers allowed.
Second: Blind sales copy that doesn't explain what the buyer actually will learn or the method taught, is not allowed. If you are confident in what you are teaching and it works, you should have no problem helping people making an educated decision to buy.
If you have to trick or hide what you are teaching to get buyers, this won't make for a good experience for either of you with increased refund rates and buyers who don't trust you and unlikely to buy affiliate offers you recommend.
Third: You need to have a clearly stated refund policy. No matter how good your report it, you are going to get a small number of refund requests. This happens to all of us so don't freak out when you get your first. Here is a simple refund policy you can use that helps keep serial refunders at arms length.
"Use the methods taught in the report for a full 30 days. If you don't get results as taught, contact me for a full refund. Thank you!"
Then if a buyer hits you with a refund request, kindly ask them for examples of what they did during the past 30 days and see if you can help them before issuing a refund. After you reply to their refund request, 90% will just move on and not even bothering to try to get their money. Win for you!
Fourth: You need to include contact information for support. For this just use your email address from a domain. Do not use a free email provider like Gmail or Hotmail. Keep it professional with your new business.
For homework continue to work on your sales letter and make sure you addressed the coaching points from today's lesson. By tomorrow it should be about complete and take another look at it for edits or areas of improvement.
Number 16:
Subject: [DAY 16] Report and Sales Letter Completed?
By now you should about have your report and sales letter completed. Don't worry about creating a complete graphic sales page, we are going to be uploading it to the Warrior Forum in a few days where text based sales letter are the norm and even sell better in most cases.
Once your report is completed, you can save it as a PDF and take a look at the version your buyers will receive. Check through for any style edits that need to be made and spend the extra time here making sure you report looks professional and not styled by a high school student.
Once your report is completed, move onto your sales letter. Even though this will be test based, there are some things you can do to give it some POP and keep the reader engaged.
First: Each paragraph should be no more than 2 sentences. Make it easy to digest and flow for the reader.
Second: Bold, underline, italicize, upper-case or combination at least one emotion word in each sentence. Take a look at the example here for a list building report:
"All thanks to a simple method I used to monetize free subscribers immediately after they 'opted-in' WITHOUT them needing to pull out their credit card or log into their PayPal account!"
The reader's eyes are drawn to simple method which is what buyers want when buying a report and the word WITHOUT which further let's the reader know the subscriber has less steps to take, thus simpler for them also.
Third: Your main header sentence will be in large font, centered in the page. Use a different color like Red to make it stand out and add emphasis. Start off with a hook word such as, GET, LEARN, MY EXACT, STEP BY STEP. Tell the reader right off the bat what they are buying in once sentence. Avoid asking a question here because if the answer is no, you have lost a potential buyer before the read on and let the sales copy do its job.
Fourth: Include the product 3d cover image when you introduce the solution.
Fifth: Include a real photo of yourself in the sales copy at the end when you are closing it down. Even though you already have a photo in your profile, this will help people know they are buying from a real person and will increase trust and conversions.
As you were doing your sales page research, compare your layout to the other text only sales copy examples that sold well. You will find common themes and trends that work well for all.
Tomorrow we are going to set a goal for completion and choose your launch date!
Number 17:
Subject: [DAY 17] Setting Completion Goal and Launch Date
Congrats for making it this far! A large portion of people who say they want a real online business aren't willing to put in the work with product creation. Those that can and aren't afraid of a couple hours researching and writing every night, are the ones that go onto the $100 a day level and beyond very quickly.
By now your report and sales letter should be completed. You still have time to make minor edits here and there but you need to keep moving forward to your launch date. Even though there are less than two weeks left in the coaching emails, choose a date outside of 2 weeks, especially if this is your first report.
That will leave room for lessons that take you more than a night to complete or if you need a night off or two to spend time with the family. I know life can get in the way but keep your end goal in mind.
If you are working a day job, have your first launch on a weekend so you are present should anything be needed or launching in the late afternoon after you get home for the day. Pick a day? Good! Write it down and stick it on the wall next to you!