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Brain Enhancement Processes that Relate To Artistic Creativity
The idea of brain enhancement and the process of brain enhancement as it relates to artistic creativity
A characteristic of dissipative structures that is particularly important in or understanding of the brain stimulation is that, in order for transformation or creation to take place, there must be either a lot of instability and fluctuation within the system. So that even a small stimulus can bring about dissolution and reorganization, or, on the other hand, if the structure is stable, there must be some extraordinary influx of energy into the system, something powerful enough to destabilize a structure that is strong enough to resist most fluctuations.
Okay so how does this knowledge apply to the brain’s ability to adapt and evolve, but most especially its ability to create?
In the first case, we can see that the greater the instability of the system, the greater the number of interactions among its various parts, the greater its susceptibility to fluctuations and disorder, and the greater it’s potential for evolution, transformation, diversification, evolution, and (in the case of the brain) wisdom. Thus, the theory of dissipative structures supports the longstanding assumption that artists, creative thinkers, and others who are constantly seeking to open themselves to “new” ideas are on the whole more mentally fluid, more susceptible to turmoil, chaos and disorder in the brain.
Lest this sound forbidding, remember that on the opposite side of the artistic coin, so to speak, creative thinkers also most likely have a richer and denser neural network, with greater numbers of interconnections between their neurons. As a result, also have a greater number of potential mental states; that is, a wider range of ideas, feelings, sensations and intuitions. And of course it is out of chaos, turmoil and disorder that higher levels of order and wisdom emerge; thus if the creative thinkers have less mental stability than some people, they also experience higher levels of mental connectedness, complexity and evolution.
If that’s the case, then what does this theory imply for people who are less creative and might resist innovation and change?
On the other hand, we can also surmise that people who are set in their ways, who resist any new idea, who hate to try any new experience, who refer every idea or experience their past, attempting to fit it into the structure of their brain without causing fluctuations or perturbations. Moreover, who are always sure they are right and never experience self-doubt; these people, whatever their feelings of self-satisfaction, are trying to eliminate the influx of new energy and matter into their brains. Since, as we know, open systems cannot exist without a constant flow-through of new energy, what these people are essentially trying to do is turn their brains into closed systems.
What implications could these efforts to turn the brain into a closed system have?
The idea of a closed brain is much like the idea of a steam engine, or a cup of coffee that has gone cold; even a stone! Certainly, these closed systems are not threatened by chaos or disorder, but after all, who wants to have a near-equilibrium brain? Although this sort of brain, like a rock, would never be destabilized, it would also never have a new idea or feeling, either. It would lack so much of what makes the human brain special, unique and creative. In any case, physiologically, brains such as these would in all likelihood, have far fewer neural connections and much less-developed cortical layers than would the brains of people who remain open to and welcoming of stimulation and the natural energy of ideas. Developing strategies in brain enhancement is a growing demand we all can benefit from in our lives.
Developing Strategies in Brain Enhancement
How the brain responds to different changes: As we grow older, the brain starts to slow its processes. As we age, stressors throughout our life causes the brain to diminish, or fade. Because of insignificant stimulations, the brain begins to transform its creation. The brain’s stability weakens, while it starts to fluctuate.
This means that diminutive stimulus could prove beneficial to the brain, since it could resort the degeneration process into organizing the brain to produce a stable structure. The brain can resist the most increased fluctuations, withstanding more than the human can understand. Yet, when the brain starts to degenerate, it leads to increasing instability, which causes interacting parts to struggle effortlessly to resolve susceptible fluctuations.
The latest brain enhancer solutions have made it possible to transform the degenerated mind. Brain enhancement solutions offer provisions in varieties to develop the brain at great levels.
How history unfolds revealing new facts:
Theories from our history believed that the disordered minds, where those with artistic abilities, creative thinkers, etc, which illogical reason lead them to believe that these people are susceptible to chaos more so than those without these skills. The truth recently revealed that artistic and creative minds use their mind far more so than common folks, which enhances memory.
Creative thinkers are likely to have the neural solution in denser and richer thinking abilities. These people are likely to interconnect with the neurons quicker, which has been proven in brain enhancement solutions. Creative thinkers tend to have a wide array of abilities to use their emotions, intuition, senses, and ideas and so on. Sure, these people deal with higher levels of turmoil, but nonetheless it does not make them susceptible to mental disorders, no more so than a common person. Sifting through the chaos, creative minds find ways to solve problems, which brings forth wisdom and order. These people often have more difficulties sifting through the soap the chefs of the world deliver to them, yet the person can find ways to connect with the human mind.
We have all sorts of people in the world. We have the creative minds, or those that resist the notion to use new ideas as a way to solve problems. We have people fearing the notion of taking chances. In addition, we have people that dwell on past experiences, fearing the future. Then we have those people that are always right and everyone else is wrong. We also have people hard to satisfy, those that eliminate to find answers and so on. With so much positive and negative energy flowing in the world, is it any wonder that everyone is searching for answers to enhance the brain.