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Eighteen (18)Steps To Creating Best Selling Products2
Whether you've never created and info product before, or you've created dozens and you're still not looking forward to your next, this short guide is for you. Just like anything else, when you have a step-by-step plan to follow, it just makes it so much easier than trying to “wing” it and magically (hopefully, somehow) put together a product people will happily purchase from you.
One thing we're not going to cover in this tutorial is niche selection and knowing you've got a hungry market for your product. Our focus is actually creating the best product possible to make the most sales possible and to boost your credibility and bank account in the process.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to assume your product is an ebook, but the steps to making any kind of info product are quite similar.
The 18 Steps To Awesome Product Creation
Section 1 –Getting Ready To Create Your Product
1. Narrow your focus.One of the most difficult steps of all in creating your product is figuring out what the darn thing is about. Perhaps the most common mistake new product creators make is trying to cover EVERYTHING about a topic. When you do this, you come up with a generic piece of work that generally doesn't help anyone.
So instead, you want to narrow your focus as much as possible. For example, instead of “How to win elections” which is just too broad, you might narrow it down to “How to win local elections.” And you could narrow it even further to something like, “How to win local elections against an incumbent when no one knows your name.” Now that's specific and highly marketable.
Don't worry that you're being too specific –anyone wanting to win a local election is likely to pick this bookup, including the incumbent who wants to be ready against the young upstart.
2. You are the expert.Yes, really. The moment you start to create your new product, or even THINK about creating your new product, a gremlin is going to sit down on your shoulder and tell you that you do not know enough. You're not an expert. There are people who know more about the topic than you. And so on.
Bad news: The gremlin is right. There probably ARE people who know the topic better than you.
Good news: So what? If you know the topic better than 95% of people out there, you are an expert in the eyes of 95% of people. Now you just need to wrap your head around that and dive in.
How to boost your confidence: Research. Fill in the gaps, find out what you don't know, and learn enough to know more than 96% or 97% of other people. You don't need to be the world's foremost expert on your topic to create an info product on it, you just need to know more than most and be willing to research to find the facts and figures you don't already have. And thanks to the Internet, research is pretty darn easy. Just be sure of your sources –you don't want to give any false info to your customers.
3. One giant step.Now it's time to take a giant leap forward in your progress. In fact, what you do right now will save you time and make your product better, so plan to invest real effort into this.
You're going to create a DETAILED product outline. Think of your outline as the road map for your info product and it will keep you from getting stalledor going in the wrong direction in creating your
Fill your outline in with just as much detail as possible with chapter headings, topics, subtopics, etc. If you've got pictures or videos to add, make a note of where they will go. If you find the order of your chapters or sections isn't right, simply rearrange them until they make sense. The more effort you put into this outline, the easier the entire rest of the process will be for you.
If you want a super simple outline maker tool, try this...http://www.crlsresearchguide.org/NewOutlineMaker/NewOutlineMakerInput.aspx
If you find yourself getting stuck, stop stressing and just start writing. You already have a good idea of what your product will cover -you just need to get it down on paper and in the right order. And the way to do that is start writing, rearranging and adding info until you're completely satisfied. When you are, set it aside and go do something else for the rest of the day.