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EFT consists of two components – meridian tapping and positive affirmations. While you tap, you repeat your affirmations to yourself. This has a powerful effect on your mind. The affirmation is working its magic while the tapping releases your energies from their blockages.
The first step is to identify the negative thoughts with which you're sabotaging yourself. This is called your “target.”
“Sabotage” is a strong word. Why on earth would anybody actively prevent themselves from getting whatever they want out of life? If you want it, why can't you just get it?
The reason is you developed bad habits of thinking and they're usually buried in your subconscious. This means you can't access or change them (not easily, anyway – methods such as hypnosis must be used).
We are created with ingredients we didn't choose. In our early lives, we are shaped by processes we can't control. As a result, we grow up to become adults that are not always what we'd like to be.
You learned to cling to your pain, anger, frustration or self-doubt because it's comfortable for you. Holding to that self-doubt is a better option than the alternative – the unknown. Clinging to these negative thoughts is the basis of self-sabotage.
Here's an example – imagine that your car is cluttered. You open the door and an old Starbucks cup falls out. Without thinking, you pick up the cup and put it back into your car's cup holder – where it doesn't even belong in the first place! Of course, you should throw it away instead. But that cup has been there so long, it seems like it should be there. In other words, it's comfortable.
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- License: Personal Use
- Category:Ebooks
- Tags:2013 Ebooks With Video Personal Use