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There are quite a number of tools available to help participants in eBay auctions get what they want ,at prices they are willing to pay. Some automatically submit bids at the last moment, others submit an automatic increase your bid if your previous bid has been exceeded, up to an amount you determine of course. Still others, used mostly by those who participate in eBay auctions on nearly a full time basis, track status of bids, payment sent or received, and in some instances even track when purchased articles have been shipped.
One can invest in tools that send automated e-mail messages to either buyer or seller, thanking that person for their business, or asking when payment is gong to be received. When you're constantly bidding on a number of items, it becomes like a business, and those in business are always on the lookout for tools that make what they are doing easier and more profitable. It's no different with eBay auction tools.
Let's say for example, you are selling an item at auction, and you have similar items you eventually plan to sell. A tool that can help you do this is one that automatically sends emails to those who have bid on your item but lost. The e-mail can inform them of items you plan to place in a future auction, or simply have for sale. If they missed out this time around, you give them another opportunity, which some will undoubtedly take advantage of. The message in the e-mail can also thank bidders for their interest in what you put up for sale. A thank you is always a nice, personal touch, even if it's automated.
There are tools that track payments received, non-payments, and payment due. If payments for items you've sold at auction are made to PayPal for example, payments received and the amount in your account can be tracked, without you constantly have to log into PayPal. Funds can even be transferred to your local bank account at specified intervals.
This is just a small sampling of the auction tools available, the purpose of which is to make you aware that there are some helpful tools out there. Some you will pay for, others are free. But it's certainly worthwhile to see what you might put in your toolbox that can make participation in eBay auctions, whether as a buyer or a seller, a more enjoyable and profitable venture.