Dear Online Webmaster,
It's that time of year again! The time of year that EBA gears up to offer special gifts and goodies to the webmastering community....just for the Fall Profit-Boosting Season!
This FALL Season, we have decided to offer ALL of our hottest selling products at an unheard of price! In one easy download, you can have all of EBA's most popular webmastering eProducts at the tip of your fingertips, in one easy download! These products have been sizzlin' this year, being downloaded by millions of budding entrepreneurs!
Due to the nature of this offer, it will not last long! This special package is only being released at this low, low price in celebration of the upcoming holidays. Once the introduction special is over, we will raise the price back up to market value.
I'm not going to spend all of my time making a spectacular sales page for this mega package bundle. The product sells itself! You'll get not 1..not 3...not 5....but 7 previously released, hot-selling products, in one easy download! These eProducts have been exclusively made by EBA and can be resold, given away, included in membership sites, and even added to eBay!
But wait...there's more...you'll also get a brand spanking NEW product, never before released ... until now.. in this very package....How To Install Web Site Scripts a Windows Software/Video tutorial that will teach you how to add interactivity to your website...without paying a coder!!!