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Most of us have struggled with losing weight at some point in our life. It is not easy. There is such a wide variety of sinfully delicious foods from all around the world merely just a phone call away! It’s just so easy to stop by at the local diner or drive through. Then it slowly settles in that we are in fact piling on the pounds. This is when we start practicing intense dieting routines without a thought about the nutritional needs of our body. When we restrict our diet we may be losing out on some of the most important nutrients that our body needs.
Sometimes you feel that you could eat salad and steamed chicken for as long as it is needed, whilst on other days you would give an arm or leg to feed that sugar craving of yours, and not with fruit! All that is going to work is a giant chocolate bar. Being overweight is an affliction that affects many and has serious effects on their lifestyle both physically and emotionally. Let’s take a look at what the phenomenon of being overweight is all about.
Being overweight or obese simply means that there is too much body fat on your frame. Your body is made up of fat, water, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, so if you have too much fat, especially around the waist area, then you are at a very high risk of health problems such as high blood pressure, high levels of blood cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease and even a stroke.
Obesity not only directly affects coronary heart disease but also contributes to other factors that further hasten the onset of heart disease. Obesity causes excessively raised levels of blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Being obese also reduces the ‘good cholesterol’ which is linked with a lower heart disease and stroke risk, so reducing this kind of cholesterol conversely tends to raise the risk of heart disease. Obesity also raises blood pressure levels and brings an increased risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes in turn worsens the factors that cause heart disease. Obesity is caused by consuming more calories than we use up by way of physical activity or in our normal daily life. Particularly if you consume too many calories or too many saturated fats, trans-fats and ‘bad’ cholesterol, your blood cholesterol levels will often rise way above what they should be.