Dear Friend
Ever been faced with this scenario? You had a brilliant idea in the middle of the night (or day) and you made frantic notes, did your research and found that there was a need and space in the market for your brand new product. You then set about creating the product (maybe spending days, weeks, even months) putting together a surely awesome package of content and information to share with the world.
After a frantic few hours of uploading and tweaking, your site was online, ready for the world to see, love and purchase from and all you had to do now was sit back and watch as the cash rolled in to your Paypal account. Trouble was, after the first few hours, which turned into the first few days, you thought there may of been a glitch and your site was not online correctly. You pick up the phone to a good friend and give them your URL.
They turned on, logged in and opened up their browser and entered in your web address. "Wow, that's a really cool looking site" came back the voice on the phone. "When did you get that set up?"
Where has all My Traffic Gone?
Your very good friend talks you through how to log in to cPanel and check all those traffic stats. To your sheer amazement, there is but a trickle of page views (mostly from you and your family).
The absolute truth is that you may well have created the BEST PRODUCT on the Planet in your Niche, and your copy may scorch the page(s) with HOT BUY NOW call to actions, but without the lifeblood of traffic, you may as well of stuck up a COMING SOON, site in construction page.
Easy Traffic Videos - The Course for Setting up your own FREE Traffic System!
How would you like an extra 20 Unique Visitors per day? Perhaps 50, 150, 1000? With our in-depth traffic guide, we introduce you to the FREE traffic streams that can build your business from scratch.