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The fastest way of creating your own product that you can then start selling is by interviewing experts in your niche market.
This is in fact probably the easiest and quickest way of creating your own product from scratch and because most people will allow you to interview them without asking for an upfront fee, it is also an extremely cheap way of doing the job as well.
Of course, you will have to give your expert something in return for their time and effort, but more often than not, you can do this by coming to some arrangement about giving them a percentage of the money generated by product sales.
As an example, you may split the revenue generated by selling the interview series with them, and/or you might include a One-Time Offer (OTO) from which they receive a split as well. As the name implies, the idea behind the One-Time Offer is that just before or immediately after the customer has completed their initial product purchase, they are presented with an offer for a product which they are only ever going to see once (hence the name).
Whenever you sell your own product, whether it is an e-book or an interview series with an expert, you must always include a backend sale (the 'would you like fries with that?' approach), and it is generally more effective to do so as an OTO.
Another thing to understand is that whilst the more well known your interviewee is, the more sales you're likely to generate, it is not absolutely essential that you manage to land an interview with a household name the very first time you do this. In fact, it is pretty unlikely that you will be to do so without any provable track record of creating a product of this type before, so you might have to set your sights a little lower the very first time you do this.
However, this will not kill your sales because it is up to you to emphasize and (if possible) magnify the expert status of your interviewee. After all, as long as they have something of value to teach or tell anyone who buys the interview series you create, your customer is getting the value for which they are paying.