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Implementing just one of these tactics will help add more time to your day. Implementing all of these tricks will maximize the amount of time you have to get things done. You’ll either get more accomplished every day, or reach the end of your to-do list with time to spare, that you can use however you want. You’ll find yourself much less stressed, and looking forward to work.
At the end of your day, make a to-do list for the next day. This will help you focus your attention on what needs to be done when you look at it tomorrow. In addition, it helps clear your mind so you can get a deeper, more restful sleep. With deeper and more restful sleep, you will have more energy to work with the next day.
Work on the tasks you dread the most, first. With those out of the way, you’ll feel more accomplished, and moving through the rest of your day will be easier. As you prioritize the dreaded tasks, work on what is due first.
While most of your clients will give you deadlines, it is always a good habit to make your own deadline ahead of the client’s. This way you have a bit more flexibility in your schedule. If the project is due on Friday, give yourself a Thursday deadline. Getting things done early is better than having something happen on Thursday that prevents you from getting the project done by the real Friday deadline.
When it comes to things you need to do for your business that aren’t assigned by clients, make your own deadlines. For example, if you want to increase your client base, set a deadline to have X number of clients, and work for it. You’ll be more productive when you have a deadline, too.