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Hack #2: Niche Selection and Promotion
It does not matter what niche you are in, it is always good to have a list of subscribers to promote to. But when picking a new niche for building a brand new email list, you want to pick a niche that has plenty of products that you can use for promoting to your list later on.
For example, in the “weight loss” niche, you can promote things like: yoga, belly fat, dieting, new weight loss system, weight loss gadgets, face fat reduction, cellulite treatments, muscle building, anti-aging creams, pills, and just about any beauty products imaginable.
Okay… but what if you have an email list for a micro niche or just some niche that doesn’t seem to have a lot of products for promoting to your list. For example, let’s say an email list full of subscribers that are interested in… “learning to play the piano”.
You need to get into the mindset of just a regular piano player that is subscribed to your email list. After all, it’s a regular person that wants to learn something new and has subscribed to your list to get more information. That willingness to learn is how we can recommend new offers to your subscribers.
Thinking outside the box is the key when sending out promo emails to this piano player list. But first, you’ll probably want to promote the obvious offers such as: piano tutorial systems, piano keywords (amazon & ebay), piano sheet musics, piano tuning guides, and anything else piano related.
But eventually, there are just not a lot of offers relating to piano. So you need to expand (think outside the box) and promote general offers or any offers that you may think piano players may be interested in. Or you can promote in a way that can get the subscribers to think that they somehow may actually want this product by relating it to the piano.
For instance, how about promoting a “how to sing product” to your piano player list. In your promo email you can craft your message like this, “So now that you can play the piano, how about taking it to the next level and learn to sing with an amazing pitch like a pro. It’s the perfect combination and now you can separate yourself from all of those other… piano players that can’t sing while playing the piano.”
So you see… the subscribers signed up to your list to learn about playing the piano. But now you can recommend a “how to sing” offer, and suggest to them that it is good to be able to play the piano and sing as well.