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You’re the Publisher
By the same token, you’re the publisher. You don’t have anyone else to rely on, but yourself. No worries, though, because that’s a good thing. You don’t have to deal with anyone else but you and Amazon taking a cut of your work. You don’t have to deal with rejection...at all. You don’t have to deal with the big promises a publisher might make, without delivering.
You get control of it all. Your success will be your own doing and you’ll likely be a lot more profitable with it than you would be otherwise. It’s exhilarating and exciting to have full control, particularly if you’ve ever tried the traditional publishing game in the past and gotten frustrated with it. More and more professional authors are moving to doing things on their own, and for good reason.
Traditional Publishers Don’t Have it Right
I look at some of the things traditional publishers put out and I’m shocked. They are missing some of the most basic elements of good book marketing. They are stuck in the dark ages of publishing and haven’t made any moves to catch up. For instance, many traditionally published books lack cross-promotion, list building, websites, and more. You are going to be far ahead of some traditionally backed authors because you’ll have these things in place.
Do This Before Release
This is not a guide on how to write your book--this is a guide on the marketing of it. Still, I will give you a few suggestions. Make sure the book is on a popular topic or popular fiction genre. Take a look at the structure and organization other authors have used in their books on similar topics. Browse through the reviews of these books and note what people liked and did not like about them.