Ebook Sample Content Preview:
A good thing about PLR ebooks is that most come with sales letters.
Now, these aren't the best sales letters on the planet- Although, they aren't the worst either. They are usually written by a professional copywriter, but usually a cheap copywriter- But they are certainly useable. Heck, sometimes I put these sales letters up unedited and they convert at 4-5%, so you may be surprised.
All you really need to make money online is an average sales ratio, which is 1-2%. Which means 1 to 2 people will buy out of every 100 visitors who see the sales page.
To put it one way, marketing is a numbers game, and these numbers are the most important...How much traffic you are getting, and how much of that traffic is buying. All of the other crap you read is just another way to make making money online more complicated than it has to be.
So just focus on these two things- getting traffic, and converting it into sales.
So what do you do with the sales letter that came with your PLR ebook? Make it unique of course..
If you only edited one ebook into a “best of” report, then you just need to edit the one sales letter that came with it. But if you used multiple sources to come up with your report, then making a “best of” sales letter will work.