Announcing The Brand New, 7 Part, Step By Step Video Course, That Shows You ...
"How to Setup Email Autoresponder Systems for 'Offline' Companies...And Sell Your Services for $5k, $10k, and more...Starting Today!"
This isn't just another video product with theory ...it's taken from true results!
Dear Friend,
Many years ago, after I quit my job, I was asked to setup an autoresponder system for the company. Of course, had I still worked their, they could have got me to do it for free.
However, I asked for a couple hundred dollars, but guess what they were willing to pay?
Then, recently I spoke to an offline marketing friend, who works for a company that sets up autoresponders for 'offline' companies. She told me that they charge $10-20k, simply to setup an autoresponder system for offline companies, and offer merging into the current database. For the most part, she said they just set it up....and that's it!
I asked her why these companies couldn't just use a system like Aweber. She replied; "They'd rather pay someone to do it, rather than having to learn how to setup the system themselves" Time is more important...and this is your target market.
Easy Autoresponder Cash 7 Part Video Course
This step by step, 7 part video series, takes you by the hand and shows you how to set up a system, that will allow you to approach these companies, and set up an autoresponder system for them, that will take you less than a couple days to set up.
Here's a list of this 7 part video series in more detail
Video#1: Introduction to Easy Autoresponder Cash
In this video, you will be given an overview of this 7 part video series, so you know what to expect. We'll also tell you what tools you will need and what you need to understand (concept wise), and how it all works.
I'm a big believer in doing this first, so you know what to expect and how all the pieces of the system fit together. One requirement that WILL cost you money, is that you need an autoresponder system. In this case we will use Aweber. However, you can apply this system to any other autoresponder email service.
Video #2: Approaching Offline Companies
Before we dive into setting up the system, it's important for you to learn about your customer base. Who should you approach and how do you approach them? After you approach them, what do you ask them?
All of this will be answered in this video. It really isn't hard, but I will tell you this...It does require you to call them up and meet them in person. If you want to make the big bucks, you have to do this. You can't just sit behind a computer and assume you will make the big bucks. However, if you're willing to learn, you can succeed with this.