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Before you say you can’t build web pages, let me tell you two things. First, if you say you can’t, you can’t, if you say you can you can. Put your mind to it and do it. Second, being able to build a web site or at least be able to edit a web page template is vital to your business. Unless you have the money to pay someone else (which like I said is VERY expensive), you’ll never get ahead.
Okay, so what are we going to put on our product promotion site, and what is its function.
Your product promotion site will include every product and/or service you offer that can be promoted by your affiliates. It will be used as a home base for your affiliates where they can see what products you are offering for promotion, what you pay for sales generated by affiliates for your products and/or services, where your affiliates can get all their promotional materials for your products and/or services, and training materials.
Yes, this is a lot, but remember how much affiliates have made me? Being that successful takes time and work. If you aren’t willing to put time and work into this, you’ll never succeed with it.