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Chapter 8: Paths Of Yoga
According to one of the holiest scriptures of Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita, there are four main paths by which you can accomplish the crucial aim of yoga, which is called "Kaivalya."
There is the path of knowledge that is called Jnana Marga in which you learn to distinguish between what is genuine and what is deceptive. Then there is also a path of selfless work that is known as Karma Marga. Another path is the path of devotion, which is referred to as the Bhakti Marga. And finally, Yoga Marga is the path of control of the mind where all the actions of the mind and awareness are analyzed and brought under control.
From these have come all of the diverse paths of yoga which can be pursued. Raja Yoga includes mastery of the mind and senses in samadhi, which is fundamentally the advanced facet of yoga.
Hatha Yoga is the yoga of the will which includes refining ones energy to stimulate Kundalini, mainly by means of asana and pranayama. Mantra Yoga comprises chanting sacred phrases or words to attain perfection. Laya Yoga includes assimilation in god to undergo fundamental pleasure.
Bhakti Yoga calls for complete attachment to god to attain the definitive aim. Karma Yoga accomplishes this through noble work devoid of the consideration of personal compensation. Jnana Yoga is known as the yoga of wisdom educating the discrimination between spiritual certainty and the false impression of the material world.