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The first step in any successful business venture is planning, whether you are online or not. Planning is simply putting down on paper a road map that leads you from point A to Z. Sometimes in our hurry with excitement to establish and run our own business, we forget or omit certain steps. Those missing steps can sometimes lead to disaster and worse than that, your hard-earned money sent straight down the drain. It has happened to me so I have personal experience with this one too and it’s not fun at all.
So my question to you is would you take a trip to a location 12 hours away that you had never been before without a road map? No, because there is a high probability that you’d get lost. And once you are lost you’d have to find someone to give you directions to where you want to go. But wait a minute, you didn’t write down your destination. So when you finally find someone that can help, you can’t give him the specifics of exactly where you want to go. All you have is an ‘idea’ of the direction and the location.
You couldn’t point out your destination if you were looking dead at it. You don’t even know what your destination looks like. You can’t recognize it because you didn’t make a map to show you the way. I mean you may be able to pinpoint a location close to the ballpark but that’s not good enough. Your map guides you along the way and helps you to recognize your exact destination when you get there.
This same theory applies to your online business. You have to know where you are presently in order to get to your final destination. All successful people and businesses also have this one thing in common…they all had a plan. They didn’t take a walk down the yellow brick road with visions of grandeur that success would easily become their friend; they knew better than that. They made out a deliberate plan to ensure their success, and you must do the same.
You should make it a habit to follow the lead of people who have reached where you want to go, and not the people standing beside you and behind you giving you advice. You know the people I’m talking about. It’s your neighbor, co-worker or family member whispering in your ear that the idea you have to start your own business is gonna fail, and that you should just work your job and forget about that ‘stuff’. And if you mention that not only do you want to start your own business, but it is in internet marketing; they are really going to try and stomp your dreams out like they are putting out a forest fire.
They are going to have many jokes and negative comments so prepare yourself for it. Because of this, I didn’t tell anyone about starting my internet business. I knew I had a business to build and I really didn’t want the distraction and the constant injection of poison (negative comments) from the peanut gallery. It always amazes me that the people always telling you that you can’t do something are the one’s that never tried to do anything themselves. I believe it’s because they don’t understand ‘business’, and let alone this business and equate our activity on the computer as “playing” and nothing to do with money.