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Terry: What exactly do you give your programmer? You can draw up as many pictures as you can think of and say, “I want this tab here and this button there,” and then you give it to them. How detailed to you get? Do you say, “I want to press this button and I want a new window to open…” we'll take Keyword Station so we have a concrete example. When you're developing Keyword Station, do you have a very, very detailed outline that you give to the programmer with your pictures? How do you get the exact product that you want?
James: Yes, I do. I can dig it up and give it to you or anybody on this call. I would block out a few things, but it will basically be an outline of how I did it. You can look at it and see it. I actually took it to Photoshop and did a graphic interface of my own and used arrows and pointed to these things. If you can't use Photoshop, like I said, you can draw. It doesn't have to be great; you just need to get your point across of what you want to happen. Even if it doesn't' happen then, the only thing that is standing between you and getting your project finished is time. You and your programmer both need to understand what you want so he can do it the right way.
Terry: Okay. That's great. If you can send us the outline, I can post it on the site as well so people can see what you actually started out with for Keyword Station. Do you have a three or five point formula that you use? Do you have something that says, “This is what I wanted for the introduction… point one, point two?”
James: Yea, I do. The very first thing that I do is I write a purpose. If I can explain the purpose of the software first before I outline it, the programmer will have a great understanding of why I need it. That's what the purpose is: it's the “why” I need this? What do I need this for? What does it do? How do I need it to be done? That's in the outline: how I need it to be done. But, the purpose statement would be, “I have this database of 7.7 million keywords. There are a lot of people online who are interested in keywords…” I tell them this. I don't worry about them stealing my idea or copying me, because 99.999% of programmers don't know anything about marketing. They will have no idea how to market the product.
I don't want to be cocky, but I could give it to them and tell them to do whatever they want with it, and they still wouldn?t be able to do anything because they don't understand the process of marketing.