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Chapter 5 Living The Healthy Lifestyle
Once you have reached your target weight, you'll want to know how to maintain it so you don't put all that hard work to waste!
Educating yourself ahead of time will help you when you are at the point where you have attained your weight loss goal. You wouldn't want to ruin the celebration you will want to have, and you of course want to continue on with your newfound healthy lifestyle.
Don't skip any meals! Remember, your body's metabolism will take this as a signal that your body is starving and will begin to store fat for reserves. Make sure you keep up with eating your meals, scheduled out as you have been. Besides, if you skip a meal at one point in the day, it could mean you overeat later on when you are just so hungry.
Keep eating a variety of foods. This will help you to keep getting all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs to stay working properly. It will keep you feeling healthy, energized and protect your body by keeping it healthy. You can include choices from whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.
Keep up the exercising! Don't get lazy and slack off on your exercise routine now. You have gained the knowledge of what kind of a workout is right for you, and probably how to change it up every once in a while as well if you had instruction from a personal trainer.
Changing up your routine is a great idea to keep you from getting bored, and to keep your body guessing. As long as you are always combining your cardio and strength training, you will continue to stay fit and feel strong and healthy, all while protecting yourself further from illnesses coupled with your healthy diet.
Adjust your daily caloric intake. Many people wonder if they should increase their daily caloric intake right away. It is probably advisable to do so, but do so gradually. Try starting with just 250 calories more a day. After a week, weigh yourself. You'll probably still have lost some more weight. If this is the case, add another 250 calories, then weight yourself a week after that. Repeat these steps until you see that your weight has remained the same when you weigh yourself for the week. If you gained a bit, take away some calories, 100 at a time, until your weight evens out and remains the same from week to week.
Keep drinking that water! Don't forget to have at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your body working well. Water aides in digestion, increases your energy and helps rid your body of toxins naturally. Plus, you will stay hydrated and healthy.
Keep eating frequently. Eating five to six small meals a day as you have probably already learned to do is a good thing to continue doing, as this keeps your metabolism up, and keeps you feeling satisfied. It is important to continue this as well because you don't want to fall into the trap of increasing your portion sizes again if this was a problem before. You will throw yourself all the way back to square one eventually. In the very least, you will gain a bunch of the weight back you worked so hard to shed.
Don't let the junk food back in. Now that you've developed your healthy habits, why ruin it by going back to your old ways and eating junk food? You have discovered plenty of delicious tastes to satisfy all your cravings with healthy foods. Keep your intake of fruits and vegetables up to several servings a day, preferably 6-8.
Take your daily vitamins. Remember to keep taking your daily vitamins as well. Doing this will help assure that you acquire all the vitamins you need each day and it will help you to maintain your healthy weight as well.
The Secrets of Staying Healthy
Everybody wants to live long and healthy lives; nobody wants to count on getting any severe diseases. Although we can't predict or prevent every situation, there are ways to help protect ourselves that can make our lives more full and healthy overall.
Prevention and early detection is the first thing you should consider. Most people dread going for a yearly physical, or even the dentist cleaning every six months, but having good doctors and keeping these appointments in your life will help you to stay healthy because you doctor can detect things that you can't on your own.
Knowing your family history is also important because if there is any history of heart disease or cancers in your family your doctor can keep any eye out for symptoms and do testing on you regularly.
Love the people you are with. Make sure and spend time with the ones who surround you daily such as your spouse, children, other family members, friends and coworkers. Enjoy the time you spend with other people, plus maintain healthy friendships. These relationships are needed to make you feel fulfilled in life.
Get eight hours of sleep. Although many people find this one difficult to do because of how busy we can get in our lives, it really is very important to leading a happy and healthy life.
Find something you are good at. All of us have times where we need to be doing something we really enjoy, and most of these are things that we excel at. This is usually something that makes us feel good inside as well, and can even be soothing and stress relieving.
Manage your stress - don't ignore it! Everyone has stressors of some kind, and it is important that we handle our stress so that it does not get out of hand and consume us. When you are riddled with worry and stress it can literally make you sick in many different ways. Daily walks can help clear your head, and make sure that you arenot over-filling your agenda for each day or letting other's schedules dictate your day.
Find balance in your life. Don't try to take on too many projects at work or let work consume you. Find a balance so you are still able to enjoy all the other things around you like your hobbies and your friends and family.
Although financial times can be tough, it is still so very important to find time to spend at least with your family, the ones you are working so hard to keep safe and provided for.