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Exercising on a regular basis can help develop your will power and your will power can help you exercise, talk about a two sided sword!
When you exercise endorphins are released into your brain which makes you feel happy. This produces a euphoric feeling which can last for hours.
When it comes to losing weight or sticking with an exercise program your will power often gets blamed for your choices, or lack of it. One way to deal with this is by setting small goals that are achievable and extremely specific. Instead of saying “I will lose 20 lb’s by December”, it is much better to tell yourself “I will cut out 300 calories today.”
By doing something which is immediate you will be in control and you will reach your goal quickly.
Other ways to stay in control with your diet include preparing easy meals in advance. By planning what you are going to eat all week you won’t have to think about your food choices. Plus your will power won’t be challenged with temptations.
By developing habits you will start creating healthy meals automatically, you will get out of bed in the morning ready to exercise. No more thinking or using your will power to force you into taking the right action.
Feeling guilty is a huge element which is directly attached to your will power. It is so easy to miss a workout but then you spend the rest of the day feeling guilty about it. If this happens to you regularly why not exercise with a partner? When you know you have to meet a friend to go running, you are less likely to let them down. Your guilt conscious will be nagging at you not to miss your workout appointments.
There is a major problem with dieting today and that is that they require you to use so much of your will power. As we have already explained exerting will power is an effort and one that can really deplete your energy sources. This is why so many diets fail!
Attempting to force yourself into eating differently is an effort and eventually your will power fails and you slip back into your old habits. End of diet. This cycle gets repeated and you find yourself falling into the yo-yo diet syndrome.
By changing your understanding of how will power works you can make any diet work for you. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to pre-program themselves with the idea of a reward. If I am good all week I can have the doughnut at work on Friday.
When you tell yourself this on Monday you are programming your mind to accept the fact that you will eat that doughnut at the end of the week.
You want to learn how to train your will power so you can avoid circumstances like that from happening. The best way to do this is to think of your will power as a muscle, spend a few minutes each day on ways to develop your will power.
This is really not that hard to do. As we mentioned earlier if you plan and set goals you can increase the strength of your will power. By planning in advance you will know what choices to make when you are faced with food or exercise temptations.