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Like it or not, the first impression people get from you is your appearance.
When engaged in an interview or you are already hired, you always want to look best. Clean cut, professional looking people get treated like a professional.
How you dress sends specific signals to people. Let’s start from head to toe for women.
First of all, never wear too much jewelry or makeup. One item of jewelry is enough.
A small ring on one finger or small earrings is plenty.
No big loops, ladies.
Makeup should be conservative, just plain powder or concealer and barely any eye makeup.
No lipstick is appropriate at an interview. It is just not professional.
The woman’s suit should be wool, linen, or cotton/polyester.
Stick with navy, gray, and medium blues, at least for the first interview.
As for blouses, solid colors and natural fabrics, such as cotton or silk look clean and professional.
A scarf says a lot about a business woman; it is a powerful status symbol.
Shoes should never be open toed and stay within 2 V2 inch heels, nothing faddish or multicolored. The color of your shoe should be the same or darker than your skirt.
Pantyhose should always be neutral skin tones, nothing outlandish, unless you are interviewing in the fashion industry.
A briefcase is an excellent choice for a business woman, but don’t bring along your purse too. It looks awkward trying to juggle them around.
You should choose either brown or burgundy, black or navy, either one is fine.
You do not want to ever distract the interviewer with your outfit, makeup or accessories.
Last but definitely not least is your personal hygiene.
Bad breath, dandruff, body odor, and dirty unmanicured nails do not give a good impression.
When it comes to body odor, you are what you eat. If you consume a lot of garlic, onions, cilantro, and junk food, not only will it show in your skin, but it will seep through your pores. Gross.
Make sure you eat a natural healthy diet so you always smell pleasant.