Authors are paying big bucks to find out
How To Hack Your Way Into The Amazon Best Seller List
Dear Author
Talk is cheap
Money talks
Learn from experience
These are all statements that wise people not only speak, but live by.
Let me ask you a question
Are you tired of paying for crappy advice from people who shouldn't be giving advice in the first place?
Personally nothing frustrates me more than when I see a marketer who's signature says something to the effect of How You Can Make $1000 monthly With Simple CPA Tactics. and I KNOW they aren't successful CPA marketers.
Look many Warriors know me and have paid me healthy fees to consulting and advice. Many of these same Warriors credit my coaching as a stepping stone to their success.
The reason like all good marketers and coaches, I ONLY ever give advice from experience. I ONLY share proven strategies that work.
And earlier this year, I had the very fortunate opportunity to become a best selling author. Not an ebook author but a real, physical paperback book.