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Willpower, which is inner strength, evidences as the power to command unnecessary and disadvantageous impulses. It likewise manifests as the power to decide, abide by this decision, and follow it with perseverance till its successful achievement. This power gives you the bravery and strength to endure and overpower inner and outer resistance and resistance, troubles and hardships.
There are several who lack the inner strength to state "no". Other people find it hard to follow and assert their ideas and notions. A few are afraid to take action and make changes or they lack resolution and the doggedness to go on with their plans to the end. A secure power of the will may alter all this.
It's the right and privilege of everybody to formulate this power. Everybody may develop it to a greater or smaller extent, depending upon the desire, serious-mindedness, ambition and time devoted to formulating and fortifying this inner strength.
You don't require ultra- ordinary powers to formulate it. You don't have to sleep on a bed of nails, fast or stand on one foot for days, as fakirs do. The concept that the development of willpower calls for you to get suffering and physical mutilation isn't honest.
Developing willpower and inner power is a gradual process that anybody may undertake. A few will be able to accomplish higher levels of power, while other people will accomplish different degrees of development, but the way is open to all.
You'll have to give up a few unneeded and harmful pleasures and alter a few unhealthy habits, but this is for a higher good. You give up something adverse or useless, in order to acquire strength and power that will help you in each area of your life. As a matter of fact, the whole procedure may be turned into an absorbing, gratifying and interesting challenge.