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The value of split testing lies in the fact that you will be able to increase your CTR exponentially in time by identifying what works and improving on it. The idea is that you run two or more ads in parallel for the same keyword and then, according to your CTR, keep the ad that offers the best results. Even a small thing such as capitalizing words in your URL can make a big difference to your results which is why split testing is so important.
Google allows you to easily test different ads against each other by automatically alternating the ads you assign to a specific ad groups. It will subsequently show you the number of impressions, the clicks as well as the click through rates for each ad. While you can test as many ads as you like, its best you stick to only two at a time for faster results.
Once you have at least fifty clicks for the two ads combined you can make a decision as to which ad you wish to keep and which you will toss based on your CTR. Don’t rush this part because any less than fifty clicks will not show you an accurate picture and you may end up throwing out an ad that could have converted quite well.
One note, though, is that you need to remember to set Google to show both ads fifty percent of the time each. Otherwise, Google will automatically show the one that is receiving more clicks and you won’t gain an accurate picture.
While initially you are probably just looking for the highest CTR, you should wait a little longer if you can afford to and, using Google’s conversion tracking, find out which ad has a higher conversion rate as well. Remember, even if the ad has a lower CTR but generates more revenue, then it’s the one you want to keep.