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Chapter 7: Tips for family Members and Friends
It can be a very difficult and stressful as well as fearful situation for family members and friends of drug addicts. Sometimes you may feel as if there is nothing else to do to help and have no idea where to go next. You are not alone! Drug addiction can be just as stressful for the family as the addict, maybe even more stressful. The following chapter will give you some tips that will help you understand how to deal with your addicted family member or friend in the best way possible.
Some Helpful Hints
If you have been searching for answers on how to help your family member of friend, you should pay close attention to this chapter. One of the most important things you must do to help someone who is addicted to drugs is to show them support. They need to know that you love and care for them and that what they are doing scares you. You need to be cautious not to enable a person to keep using at the same time. This can be quite difficult at times because we naturally want to help the people we love and care for. But it gets to a point where you are actually harming them by helping them. I do not mean to stop supporting them morally, I mean with things like money, rides, and bailouts. Often times addicts have to hit rock bottom before they will see what their situation is truly like. An addict must first see this before they will decide to change. You cannot make an addict change, they must want to do it themselves. So the sad truth is, sometimes you have to let them learn the hard way.
It is important not to let an addict put the blame on you and make you feel guilty. This is a common characteristic of people who are not yet ready for change. They are not ready to deal with the fact that the problem is theirs and they are the one who caused it. It is much simpler for them to make someone else feel at fault. This will most likely lead to you enabling them further if you fall for it.
It is also a good idea to do some research on what drug paraphernalia looks like as well as what people look like when they are high on something. This research can be done by easily looking up pictures on google or researching drug side effects on WebMD. It is important that you are well informed on drugs so that you may help your loved one in the battle of addiction.
Also keep in mind, there are many different types of fake cans and false bottomed bags that people are beginning to buy from head shops that allow them to easily conceal drugs. Keep your eyes peeled, nobody said this war was going to be easy.
Chapter 8: What Can Be Lost Due To Drug Addiction
If you are struggling with addiction, or know someone who is, you aware of the fact that it slowly begins to deteriorate everything in your life. It begins with smaller unnoticeable things and before you know it, your entire world has been flipped upside down. If you are curious about what drug addiction will eventually lead to, the following chapter has the answers you are looking for.
What Will Happen?
There are numerous things that can happen from drug addiction and none of them are really positive. The negative outcomes of an addiction could be listed for days, so instead of rambling on I will give you an example of a few things that will almost certainly happen.
Loss of Relationships:
Everyone has their breaking point. This means that no matter how much someone may love someone else, they get to a certain point where they can no longer take the stress or the fear and are forced to part ways. This will likely fuel the addiction and make problems even worse. In fact, many of these situations end in suicide or other terrible outcomes.
As a drug addict, it will not be very long until you are arrested. The law enforcement agencies are getting tired of the abundance of drugs and are starting to give out much more stiff penalties, even to first time offenders. Having drug charges on your record will surely add complication to your financial situation since getting a good job would be very difficult.
Some drug use may lead to STDs. Especially drugs that are injected. The rate of people with HIV and Hepatitis C in the drug community is outrageous. Many addicts begin to not care about hygiene and safety and will begin sharing needles and having unprotected sex with people they normally wouldn’t.
Aii addiction will eventually lead to death. It does not matter how much a person thinks that they are in control and can stop at any time, they are delusional! Abusing drugs slowly kills addicts as well as damages the health of those who care for them due to the high stress of the situation. You must begin recovery!