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The first and probably the most important barrier to overcome is within the individual itself and how high a level of conviction is of the decision about to be implemented.
If the conviction element based on the choice of the decision is strong and certain, then the implementation element of the exercise becomes a lot easier and smoother.
The implementation of the decision should encompass the completing or performing of the decision making process which would in turn give rise to the actually course of action to be taken based on the said decision being made.
The results achieved from the implementation process should also be given due consideration as rational decision making if often based on a lot of underlying elements.
These underlying elements that could affect the implementing process may surface in the form of the current state of mind, the physical condition of the decision maker, the volatile business scenarios and many other coinciding factors.
During the implementing phase of the decision making process, most individual tend to question the viability of the decision made.
Questions like whether the decision chosen is the best for that particular situation or whether the decision is even the correct course of action and many other similar misgiving are often likely to surface.