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Make sure your car tires are pumped to the recommended pressure. A regular check should be carried out on them using a tire gauge. You can get a digital tire gauge for less than $10 if you do not have any yet. Having one will also help you ascertain when your tires have lost some pressure due to drop in air temperature.
You stand the risk of running lower miles per gallon of gas if always let your carry more weight. Take out items like tennis racket and golf clubs so as to reduce the overall weight.
Air filters become dirty over time with usage. Regular inspection and replacement when dirty should be your priority. This is because you will be using more gas if the filter gets clogged with solid materials.
As much as air conditioners are good, they should only be turned on when really needed. This is because they contribute to reducing the number of miles per gallon your car does.
Driving conservatively is a good practice. However, constant acceleration and brake application leads to more gas usage. In addition, reduce your speed on highways. Latest autos do have overdrive and do run at about 65mph. So, ascertain the revolution per minute of your car ‘safe spot’ and stick to it as much as is possible while driving.
Your car is designed to make use of a fixed amount of gas over a certain time when idling. However, it uses a bit more when turned on. This simply means that it is a money-saving technique to turn off your car when caught up in a long traffic.
Although it may seem hard for you to swallow, it is proven that driving with your windows closed does save you some gas. Driving with your car windowpanes rolled down only increases the amount of turbulence. In addition, that means more gas usage too.
Try to understand the road system of your environment so you chose a better route anytime you are driving. In addition, do not assume that the shortest route is the best. There could be too many stops to make even while the route may be short. Avoid heavy traffic and roads with too many traffic lights.
Putting all these into daily action will save you a lot more. As you continue learn more ways to save money while driving. However, as much as you try to save money you should be making more also. I have marshaled out only the best methods of increasing your income constantly and without breaking sweat.