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If you are to have any chance of reducing or eradicating stress from your life, you need to understand why these changes take place as a result of suffering stress.
Stress is in fact a primeval human reaction that dates back to man’s very first footsteps on planet Earth. At that time, the world was ruled by thousands of ferocious beasts, creatures that man was ill-equipped to deal with at first. Consequently, we developed the ability to react quickly and decisively in moments of high danger, developing the much clichéd ‘fight or flight’ reaction to an instantly stressful situation.
Nowadays, it is far less common to have to fight saber toothed tigers, dinosaurs or mammoths, but the same type of stress reactions still form an essential part of the human character.
In effect, not being able to get a job completed before a deadline or having a boss shout at you as soon as you arrive in the office is the modern equivalent of facing down a saber toothed tiger, or at least the closest most of us will ever get to having to do so.
And herein lies one of the most important problems with modern day stress. The extreme situations for which the ability to run or fight do not occur nowadays whilst on the other hand, there are a million more situations which might potentially cause pressure. After all, our cavemen forebears very rarely had their toes stood on during their morning subway ride to the office and the majority of them didn’t have a boss to answer to.
Whenever you feel that you are threatened on a mental or physical level, your body switches up a notch and starts to pump out hormones that make you ready to stand and fight or run away to fight another day.
The blood flow to your brain and muscles increases by anything up to 400% so that you can think and react more quickly, your heart starts to be faster and your breathing rate accelerates noticeably as you automatically try to pull in as much oxygen as possible.