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Chapter 10: Learning To Separate These Games from Reality
Gaming addiction is a situation wherein a person has to totally forgotten the difference of the reality to the scenes and missions that are present in computer games. It can lead you to several kinds of unacceptable behaviors that can hurt the other people. Learning to separate these games from the reality is one of the best ways of fighting the negative impacts of gaming addiction. Its procedures will be very easy to you if you don’t really like computers games. However, if you are one of the gaming addicts who love to use it regularly, it will be very hard for you to separate it from reality.
Learning to Separate These Games from Reality
A computer game remains a computer game even if you used it for several times. Consider it as an ordinary form of entertainment that can never be treated as part of the reality. While playing computer games, be sure that you will never lose your consciousness and awareness of the significance of moral values in life. Just stay true to yourself and don’t be influenced by the violent scenes and cheats that are present in computer games. If you fall into its negative effects, you will become a loser and a gaming addict who has a very miserable life.
When playing computer games, do not be so serious and be responsible enough. Such types of software were created because its manufacturers believe that it will never destroy the behavior of human beings. Do not compare the real world to the scenes that can be found in computer games. It is true that in computer games, the players have freewill to do everything that is prohibited in this world. Cheating is not prohibited in these games. Killing is not violation also in computer games. But in the real world, all of these actions are against the human rights. Don’t make your life miserable because of spending too much attention and time to computer games.