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If your home does not have air conditioning, choose other places you go to get relief from the heat during the warmest part of the day. Schools, libraries, theaters and other community facilities often provide air-conditioned refuge on the hottest days. Air conditioning provides the safest escape from extreme heat.
Avoid strenuous work during extreme heat conditions. If needed, you need to change some daily routine to keep yourself from being exposed in this weather temperature. Avoid too much sunshine. Sunburn slows the skin's ability to cool itself. The sun will also heat the inner core of your body, resulting in dehydration. Use a sunscreen lotion with a high sun protection factor (SPF) rating. Extreme heat can quickly overcome the healthiest people, so don’t think that you are immune against the effects of extreme heat. When you start feeling the symptoms of any of the effects mentioned earlier, it is best to get out of the heat as soon as possible.
Take note of your family members who may be taking medications or have medical conditions that might react negatively to extreme heat conditions. Discuss these concerns with their doctors or any physician. They can advise you about changes to medication or other activities you can do to temporarily relieve the effects of heat and prevent these family members from getting sick.
Check on family, friends, and neighbors who do not have proper air conditioning or cooling appliance to combat extreme heat conditions. Elderly persons who live alone or with a working relative might need assistance on hot days. Make sure that they are properly cared and monitored, in a cool and comfortable place.
Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing during extreme heat conditions. Lightweight, light-colored clothing reflects heat and sunlight and helps maintain normal body temperature. Cover as much skin as possible to avoid sunburn and over-warming effects of sunlight on your body. Then try protecting your face and head by wearing a wide-brimmed hat. A hat will keep direct sunlight off your head and face.
Discuss extreme heat wave with your family. Everyone should know what to do in the places where they spend time. Some places may not be air conditioned or safe during a heat wave, so plan alternatives. Discussing extreme heat ahead of time will help reduce fear and anxiety, and lets everyone know how to respond.
Install window air conditioners snugly. Insulate spaces around air conditioners for a tighter fit. An air conditioner with a tight fit around the windows or wall openings will make less noise and allow less hot air in from the outside.
Make sure your home is properly insulated. This will help you to conserve electricity and reduce your home's power demands for air conditioning. Weatherstrip doors and windowsills to keep cool air inside, allowing the inside temperature to stay cooler longer. Use attic fans. If you have a fan installed to vent warm air out of your attic, use the fan to help keep your home cool.
Consider keeping storm windows installed throughout the year. Storm windows can keep the heat out of a house in the summer the same way they keep the cold out in the winter.
Postpone outdoor games and activities. Extreme heat can threaten the health of athletes, staff, and spectators of outdoor games and activities.