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Chapter 5 Make Sure You Are A Good Role Model
There is no such thing as being a perfect parent. Parents have the hardest jobs in the world. It’s a special joy to raise kids, but this can be demanding, exhausting, and challenging. Plus, there is no day off. Each parent has bad days and good days. Yet, each day, you serve as a role model for your children.
Being a Good Role Model
Yon have to take note that your child learns from what you say and what you do. Your child also thinks the same way like you do as well as copies your expressions. Before your kids go to school, they have also probably learned even more from than you ever wanted.
Is It Something You Should Worry about?
Your kid will grow up as well as have to make choices for grown-up. If you show restraint in terms of alcohol, gambling, and drugs, then there is a huge possibility that your kids will follow your example. If you’re considerate to others and you control your temper, you child will likely copy your behavior.
Are Other People Role Models for Your Child?
Friends, uncles, aunts or grandparents that spend time with your kids are role models. A coach, teacher or neighbor may also be a role model. If your child learns more positive examples, the better.
Having an adult who cares can make a huge difference. Even when there is conflict or life is tough, if an individual supports and cares a child, this can also make a difference. If there’s someone to stand by your kid no matter what, your kids will be able to get over the tough times.
Anyone may be a role model, yet main caregivers or parents have the most influence on the child. Even if your child is now a teen and does not seem interested in you, she or he is watching you as the role model.
How Can You be a Good Role Model?
Consider how your behavior affects your children. This is not likely that you may always be cheerful and calm. Well, no one is. Children need to see parents express real feeling in a healthy manner. If your kid has witnessed that you are dealing with your anger appropriately, she or he will learn this from you. If he or she watches you celebrating special occasions without taking alcohol, your kid will learn something. If you are facing a hard time and you are trying to escape it with drugs, gambling, and alcohol, your kid will remember it. Therefore, as your kid grows up, she or he will learn by your example. Your kid will also follow your example when coping with the challenges.
What If You Make Mistakes That You Don’t Want Your Kid to Copy?
If you have problems in your family, even your kid can be affected. In most cases, children believe that they are the cause of the problem or they did something wrong.
You can assist your children by talking with them. Even young kids could understand your sincere apology. It is possible to be honest with your kid. You can say sorry and explain mistakes, yet you are doing your best to change. You should also tell your child that you love her or him that problems are not her or his fault.
How Can You Teach Your Child about Some Positive Role Models?
Talking to your child regarding the things that could happened to you when you are her or his age. Tell your children about someone who made a huge difference in your life and tell them the reasons. This could someone you know.
Understanding the different individuals behave in various ways could help your child. Your kid could start thinking about who makes a role model.
No one said that it is easy to be a role model. But, it is not impossible that you can do it especially if it is for your child’s sake.
Chapter 6 The Dangers In Not Having a Drug Talk
Some parents are too confident about their children’s behaviors. They think that their children are wise and knowledgeable enough when it comes to drugs. But, did you know that even if your kid is the best in class, there’s a possibility that he or she could abuse or be addicted to drugs? Well, this happens especially if you don’t consider drug talk in your home. If you are a parent, you should pay importance to drug talk as there are dangers in not having this kind of conversation. So, what are these dangers?
The Consequences of Not Having a Drug Talk
Drug talk is said to be one of the best ways for you, as a parent, to educate and guide your children about drugs. Even if you always have a busy schedule, don’t take drugs for granted as you might end up facing a complicated situation that you might regret for the rest of your life. Though your schedule is hectic, you will always have your spare time. Instead of doing some activities at home, why not sit and talk to your children about their daily activities and let them know about the risks of taking drugs?
There are several dangers in not having a drug talk. One of these is that your kids might seek for answers with their friends who are already using drugs. In this scenario, your kids could also end up using drugs, which might ruin their future or worst - their lives. Since they don’t have any clue about drugs and some of their friends said that they should try it once to know the effects, they could abuse and get addicted to the substance they are taking especially if the effects are good and they don’t see anything bad about it.
Most children are curious about almost everything even with drugs. More often than not, there are instances that some kids would try using drugs to test if these are really bad and could ruin their lives. If they don’t see anything negative about drugs, they would continue use these until they end up abusing these, which could be dangerous in the long run.
There are other dangers of not having a drug talk. If you want your kids to stay on the right direction, do not waste your time and start talking with them about drugs because there is always a difference in having a drug talk and not having it.