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7 Natural Alzheimer's Treatments and Tips
The cognitive decline that comes with the many diseases under the dementia um-brella can be treated. In some cases, depending on the condition and its progres-sion, the mental difficulties dementia causes can be reversed. While there are tra-ditional medical treatments for Alzheimer's, vascular dementia and other forms of dementia, they often involve unfortunate side-effects. As alternative and comple-mentary treatment methods, the following 7 natural oils, herbs, vitamins, and spices are showing promise.
1 – Coconut Oil
Ketones are brain-boosting compounds found in coconut oil. Coconut oil also con-tains "good fats" that improve how the brain communicates with the rest of the body. Doctor Bruce Fife is an author of 20 books, some of which deal with the in-credible benefits of coconut oil for treating and preventing Alzheimer's disease. He is one of just several mental health professionals that have noticed dramatic improvement in Alzheimer's patients when coconut oil is taken daily.
2 – Ashwagandha
This perennial evergreen is an herb commonly found in aromatherapy. It has been used to treat mental disorders and physical health problems for thousands of years in the age-old Indian practice of Ayurvedic medicine.
3 – Turmeric
Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. Present in several natural healing practices which date back thousands of years, curcumin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which have a positive influence on Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
4 – Fish Oil, Omega-3 Supplements
To benefit from this natural Alzheimer's treatment, eat 2 to 4 servings of fish every week. You can alternately take an omega-3 supplement each day. Cod liver oil is a safe and natural alternative suggestion to get health-boosting essential fatty acids into your body where they can go to work treating Alzheimer's symp-toms.
5 – Probiotics
One of the easiest ways to prevent and treat a number of mental and physical health conditions is to keep your gut healthy and happy. Digestive problems have a link to as many as 75% of all chronic and serious diseases. Eat more fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir to benefit from the probiotic influence on Alzhei-mer's or take a daily supplement.
6 – Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba supplements have shown effectiveness in some studies for boosting heart health, clearing blocked arteries, promoting healthy blood circulation and calming the nerves of the brain. Additionally, some research shows ginkgo biloba can improve memory as well.
7 – The B Vitamin Family
Research announced in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences show B vitamins can slow the speed in which Alzheimer's disease progresses. This is espe-cially true for folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12. Taking a B vitamin super com-plex is a simple way to get your daily dose of important B family vitamins.
Common Treatments to Help a Dementia Patient Deal with the Disease
Alzheimer's and dementia with Lewy bodies are two forms of dementia. Vascular dementia delivers dementia symptoms after a stroke has been experienced. There are several other causes of the cognitive decline and mental health probems which are identified by the blanket dementia term. Treatment often de-pends on the type of dementia involved, but in many cases, treatment protocols are similar, no matter the underlying cause.
Obviously, treatment cannot begin without a diagnosis. Your doctor or mental health care professional needs to fully understand what is happening before the appropriate treatment can improve quality of life. This is because some forms of dementia are treatable but irreversible, and some are totally reversible. This means a comprehensive diagnosis of dementia symptoms and their underlying cause is needed before a treatment is decided upon.
Treatment for Reversible Dementia
In the case of reversible dementia, where the problem is triggered by thyroid problems, medication, vitamin or mineral deficiencies and other causes, treat-ment options could vary greatly. If the lack of a particular vitamin is leading to cognitive decline, memory loss and brain fog, or other telltale dementia symp-toms, daily vitamin supplementation may be all that is required to fix the prob-lem.
Hypothyroidism is a situation where not enough thyroid hormone is developed. When this is the cause of dementia symptoms and behaviors, a thyroid hormone prescription may fix the problem. You are probably well aware that many medica-tions can sometimes cause dramatically negative side-effects. When a prescrip-tion is the underlying cause of dementia, changing medicines is often the treat-ment suggested.
Treating Irreversible Dementia
Palliative care is at the basis of treating all forms of irreversible dementia. When dementia cannot be reversed, palliative care recognizes the futility of trying to
cure or remedy the condition. This means quality of life at every stage of demen-tia is stressed. Symptoms are treated with the hopes that the disease in question is minimized as much as possible.