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You could easily put yourself in a situation where you could face being robbed or even raped. Practically anyone can sign up on a computer to create a dating profile online. They don't even need to have their own computer. Some people will visit libraries and go on there to access dating websites or just use their friends laptop.
This is why it's very important to meet in person at a local restaurant or just go to the nearest mall. We aren't talking about meeting outside or at the back of the mall in a parking lot. You need to be inside when meeting. If you have friends and just want to be safe, why not suggest a double date? Group activities are very fun and the two of you will have a good time. Also, by going in a group - all of you will be safe.
There was a recent incident in the news where one lady had met up with a man she was talking to for a month. They decided to meet in front of his house but this wasn't his house at all. It was an abandoned place that was being rented out. Before she even had time to leave, the man had opened her car and demanded her money at gun point. When the woman refused, she was stabbed several times and thrown out of the car.
Incidents like this are very rare but there are times you may come close to dating someone who doesn't have morals or you could very well be talking to a serial killer. This is why you want to meet in a crowded place or inside a restaurant at least. If the employees notice anyone in danger, they'll phone the police right away. After all, they want to protect the people in their place of business.
Some dates are highly aggressive and you can see warning flags while you are on the date. We suggest that before you keep going with the date, to leave immediately. Let them know you have a family emergency and tell them you'll talk to them again later. You want to leave as quickly as possible without being confronted. Later, you can let them know the real reason why you left and ignore them. This may seem harsh, but you want to watch out for people who will take advantage of you emotionally, physically, or financially.
The best places to meet are at large market places, right inside the mall, at a Starbucks building, at a fair, inside a busy restaurant, or at a beach boardwalk where there are many people. When searching for a place to meet, make sure the area is crowded. If you chose a place that is remote, you could very well set yourself up for disaster so we strongly urge you to do this.