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It seems that the battle of the bulge has hit just about every age group and walk of life. There is a serious epidemic of childhood obesity happening in this country, and therefore families need to figure out ways to get and stay fit. As many families try to think of attractive ways to get fit together, they often turn to cycling. This is an excellent way to burn some calories, get in shape, and enjoy some family bonding time. So for those families searching for a family activity that will allow them more time with each other and even help them to get in shape, cycling is the answer.
Parents want the best for their children, and when they see that their kids are unhappy or overweight they quickly realize that it’s time to do something. The problem with so many types of exercise out there is that they feel too much like exercise and therefore kids won’t stick with it.
Cycling however offers something easy to get into, interesting, and presents an excellent opportunity to bond with the family unit as you get fit. This is truly a win-win for many parents as they get to spend some time with their kids and allow them to get in shape in the process. For most kids, cycling doesn’t feel like a massive undertaking or an exercise regimen, it is instead something to look forward to as an activity to do with mom and dad.
Cycling can start off rather simply as just a spin around the neighborhood or even around the block if you need to start small. The key to getting kids involved in any activity is to start off slowly and ease them into the physical part of it so that they don’t get bored or frustrated.
Cycling can start off slowly and be built up to giving kids some great goal setting potential as they build up their endurance and ability. Once the family overall starts to get in better shape, then it’s time to step it up and find some fun routes and paths for the family to travel on. Cycling can quickly become something to look forward to whenever time permits as every time out is a new adventure. The kids can get involved in picking the spots or paths that the family sets out on. You quickly see how cycling can not only become an excellent family bonding activity, but one where the entire family gets in shape without ever feeling like they are exercising.