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Chapter 6: Free membership dating sites
There is a lot of free membership dating sites on the internet today and understating what they are really all about will help the prospective client decide if this style of sites is suitable for their intended use.
Free dating sites are usually filled with members who are not really extremely serious about finding and making the one commitment to a lasting partnership.
Most of the members sign up at these sites just to “try” their luck, while others sign up to make new friends and form interesting liaisons, but the expectations are usually nominal and this makes the site very wide based and lack any form of discrimination.
Free Sites
Free membership sites usually don’t have very stringent policies in place and thus the protection feature is not really a prominently expected or required aspect of the sign up exercise. In this case the member will not be assured that the information provided is honest and trustworthy. There is very little tracking done to ensure all members have legitimate intentions for possible connections with others.
Most free dating site are rife the pop up advertisement and emails. This can be a very annoying interruption for the time and internet access restricted individual. Being bothered by such interruptions that don’t really have any connection to the dating service is not only annoying, but is also time consuming to have to keep clicking them close. A lot of scammers feature their wares on this type of sites and sometimes this eventually affects the credibility of the sites.
Some free sites only accept members from certain parts of the world or from certain social standings. However there is very little verification exercises that are conducted to ensure those who sign up as members are actually following the requirements completely. Therefore although the site has certain rules and stipulations there is no guarantee that all the members conform to these prerequisites.
Chapter 7: Paid membership dating sites
It is a common preconception that when something cost money it is usually better in quality and value when compared to something that is given away for free. The same can be said for the online dating sites as a whole, although there are some free sites that are quite good, but these are few and far between.
The following are some points that will show the benefits of choosing a paid membership site for dating services:
Paid Sites
The quality of the people who would consider signing up at paid membership sites is usually comparatively higher than other style sites. People who are willing to pay for services are typically more serious about the exercise of making genuine connection with others and are also from a better demographics platform.
The element of trust is arguably higher for those who sign up at paid membership sites. The general view is that, people who pay for something are perhaps more likely to be committed, thus availing themselves to actually making connections as much as possible. These members would take the time to design proper profiles, answer questions, and fill out forms and any other exercises that would be required at such dating sites.
In almost all such paid dating sites, the support and customer services given are of a better quality. The personnel at these sites are usually very committed to providing the services touted in their advertising campaigns. This is mainly due to the fact that such sites depend on the recommendations of satisfied existing members to broaden the revenue base, by introducing the site to others.
Most paid membership dating sites will be consistent in matching the members as frequently as possible. This matching will usually be done with the utmost care, as the members depend very much on the discretion of the service provider.
Chapter 8: How to write an attractive profile
Being part of an online dating data base can be a very competitive platform to be part of. Therefore the individual would need to be able to present a very comprehensive and attention grabbing profile that would ensure the interest of other parties enrolled.
The following are some tips on how to prepare the ideal attention grabbing profile and will ensure huge amounts of interest:
Your Profile
Choosing a suitable user name would be the first step that is required of the new member. However some care should be taken when choosing this user name as silly and overly descriptive names are usually not encouraged or well received. Such choices would not help to convey the member’s seriousness or commitment levels, in the venture at all.
Personal information should not be easily divulged, as there should be some level of privacy to ensure the member is adequately protected from unnecessary solicitation outside the safety of the online site. Giving out too much personal information, will only create a level of vulnerability that could endanger the member.
Including photos that are complimenting yet honest is another feature that is important to be included in a profile. Sad as it may seem, people are interested in knowing of the physical appearance of those they intend to communicate with before they decide to take the connection to the next level. Therefore if the member decides not to include any photos, the chances of getting any interested a “hits” would definitely be few and far between.
“Promoting” one’s self online is also another feature that the member should be savvy in doing. This self promotion is what is going to get the individual noticed over the many others available at the site. This will also help to ensure the member stays competitive and relevant.
Chapter 9: Finding partner with the same religion
Of late there are quite a few online dating services that cater to niche groups. This is getting to be a rather popular requirement especially when it comes to the topic or religious platform.
Many people today find it better and certainly less cumbersome in the long run, to be matched to potential partners that share the same religion.
Therefore making the effort to sign up at dating sites which specifically cater to the religious requirements of the member would be a better choice to make.