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Content, or contentment is described in the dictionary as; satisfied, not displeased. To be at peace with oneself. So, in the context of the description, is that you in any way? Are you content with what you have, or do you strive to keep adding to your stash?
Jesus said in Luke 12:15, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions," but here we are, many of us, chasing after possessions in life. It is human nature to.
always want better things. It has been called by some, "restless heart syndrome." I'm sure you've heard of restless leg syndrome, where you kick and can't get your legs to settle down, sometimes making it difficult to sleep or sit still.
"Restless heart syndrome" is in many ways the same. Our hearts jump around and gets restless and in a state of discontent when things are not going right, and the relief for that for many of us is...we go shopping. We feel that if we buy something, it will stop this feeling and we will be contented. You know what? It does. Getting that quick fix somehow makes us feel more content, even though it is very short lived. It soon gets set aside, and when we start something like cleaning up and getting rid of things, we find the item that gave us contentment for a while, and ask ourselves, "why did I buy that? I only used it for a couple of weeks, and then set it aside. What could I have spent that same money on instead?"
We use possessions to help us find contentment when we are discontent. Now, are we supposed to be discontent? The answer might shock you, but yes, God wants us to feel discontent, so that we may live our lives more fully through Him. As an example, we may see an injustice against another human being. Feeling discontent in that injustice may trigger an action to try and help right that injustice, and help that person. God wants us to be discontent to form a bond with him, and not to be satisfied of what we know of him, but instead to thirst for knowledge of Him, through Bible study, in our prayer time, and to come to worship services to know Him, and know how He wants us to live our lives through him. As we study and learn of how God wants this for us to grow, in character, in wisdom, and in grace. It is only then will we know the feeling of true contentment.