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Hello and welcome to this course entitled crypto passive profits. We are going to start with this first introductory lecture, which is called Introduction to Crypto wealth. And in this lecture, we are going to discuss three main methods that we are going to cover in this course about how to generate passive income from cryptocurrency, which is a trend at the moment, and it's starting to become widely adopted. So, let's move on.
Here are the three methods of passive earnings that we are going to discuss in this course.
1. The first one is: Staking cryptocurrencies. Which means basically that there are platforms where you can deposit your different types of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, aetherium, and others. And because of staking them, they're basically you are putting them in a safe deposit. And most of the time you don't have access to them for a limited period of time. Basically, you will earn an interest in that crypto.
2. Then we have the second method which is: Lending. There are platforms like the peer to peer lending platforms, where for example, if you have Bitcoin, or aetherium, or any other type of cryptocurrency, you can lend that cryptocurrency and you earn an interest on that usually it's somewhere between 10% or and goes up to even 25, 30, 40% per year depending on the cryptocurrency. But the average and the one that you should consider is the, somewhere between the 10 and 12%.
3. And then we have the third method which is: Copy Trade Platforms. There are a lot of platforms, which allow you to copy different traders these are trading platforms where people trade cryptocurrency and obviously there are some people there who are professional traders and do this as someone would do a normal job and they are professional at that and you can see their results and you can copy them.
So these are the free things we are going to talk about are the free methods we are going to talk about that allow you to generate passive income from cryptocurrency. Thank you very much for watching, and we're looking forward to seeing you in the next.
Creating Your Accounts
Hello and welcome back to this next lecture from this course on how to create passive income from cryptocurrency, we are going to discuss creating your accounts on different platforms and these are some general things.
So, which are the things we are going to discuss about basically, all of these platforms, given the fact that they work with people's money, they need to have a high degree of security for all of their users, including you and other users as well. So, that is why they need to verify your person very, very well to see that you are the real person that you exist, you are the actual holder of the account that you create. So, when you are going to create the account, you are going to have to fill in different forms with your name, phone number, address and so on, but these are like the main general things that they will require or the least. And in order for them to be able to verify your account and basically give you permission to do different types of transactions, they will also require from you a couple of things in order to get you verified,
1. One of the first things that they will require is a copy or a photo of your national identity card, front photo and the back photo.
2. Then they will require a utility bill or bank statement, no order to confirm your address.
3. And then they will require a selfie or a photo of your face to basically match the ID photo so that they can see you are that actual person.
These are the general things now depending on the platform, they might require from other stuff as well, other documents that you need to provide to them. But these are the main things and you should prepare this ahead before actually going into this. Thank you very much for your attention and we are looking forward to seeing you in the next lecture.
The Platforms
Hello, and welcome to our next lecture from this course on how to earn passive profits from cryptocurrency. In this lecture, we are going to discuss the platforms that you have at your disposal in order to use one of the free methods that we have presented in the first lecture, which are staking, lending, and copy trading. On some of these platforms, you are going to have one or two of the methods, on some of them, you only are going to have one of the methods. And on some of them, you are actually going to have all three of them. Also, in the description of this lecture, you're going to find the links where you can actually register and create an account on these platforms, we have to mention that these are affiliate links. That doesn't mean that it costs you anything to create the accounts. But in the future, if you are going to decide to actually use the platforms and use our methods and actually do trades over there. The platforms are going to pay us a commission so not you to the platforms.
- Now, looking at the platform to start with, we have BITFINEX, which basically we are locked in right now you can see how it looks in the dashboard. We know it might seem a little bit complicated, but you're going to see what we are going to use in BITFINEX is not complicated at all. It's one of the oldest platforms, and one of the best, one of the most stable and secure.
- Then we have binance.com, which is actually the largest platform from what we know at the moment for trading cryptocurrency, they have a variety of services and a variety of ways that you can use it to trade crypto.
- Then we have iconomi.com, which is a platform for copy trading. And it's pretty secure, pretty big. They have some good volumes over here.
- Then we have BitMax, which is a very good platform for trading but also for staking.
- And we have Nexo, which is probably a custodian platform. And from what we know, that means it's a little bit more regulated than the other ones, which also means you don't earn as much. You cannot earn maybe as much if they don't have as many services but they are more secure. They are backed up by bigger institutions or companies. So this one should be good to go as well and they offer some very, very good and attractive and sometimes they also offer different types of promotions, for lending cryptocurrency and earning on your cryptocurrency that you don't use by lending. You can see that you earn up to 12%.
Now, let's open an incognito window to show you exactly how on account opening looks like. Basically, we are going just to show you an example BITFINEX because on the other ones, it's similar, you just have to go and press the sign up button in the right top corner and you will have a basic form to fill in the beginning. Username, email address, password. So when you open your account you will have to confirm your email address. This is something that you will have to do for each of these platforms. And after that you will have a verification process as we have told you in order for them to see that you are the actual real person and in order for you to be able to deposit money do trades, invest them, withdraw, you will have to complete this verification process because they need to see that you are the actual person the real person. So enough about that. Again, if you want to sign up please use the links from the description or the source file. Obviously if you want to support us, if not, you can just go ahead and sign up. However, we want to keep directly on the platforms, but we would appreciate it obviously and we are looking forward to seeing you in the next lecture.
Earn Interest From Staking
Hello and welcome back to our next lecture from this course. In the previous lecture we have discussed the platforms that we are going to use in order to apply the free methods of earning passive income from cryptocurrency and we have seen that these platforms are BITFINEX, BINANCE, ICONOMI, BitMax and Nexo. There are other platforms out there as well, but these are the ones that we are going to show you exactly how you can use them to actually apply these methods. And we are going to start with the first method and we are going to show you on each of the platforms where you can apply these methods how it works.
- And the first method that we have discussed and that we want to show you is bitfinex.com. After you do the account creation, the verification, what you need to do in order to start using the staking type of service, you need to deposit some money into your BITFINEX wallet. Basically, BITFINEX is a platform where you can actually deposit money like Euro, USD, or Pounds in order to buy cryptocurrency, it works also like an exchange if you want to work in trades also, between Bitcoin and US dollars, so you can buy cryptocurrency and you can exchange them between them on this platform, so you don't need to buy the crypto from somewhere else and then exchange it into crypto and move it on BITFINEX. You can actually do that directly here on the platform. So after you login, you are going to see that in the top part of the screen in the menu where you are going to have an icon which says wallet option in the menu you are going to go on the deposit function and in the deposit function you can select as you can see payment cards. So basically you can fund your wallet from bitfinex with your card. You can pay with your card and just have to go to payment cards you select one of the services basically they allow you to buy directly from euro or USD or other currencies, Bitcoin, USDt which is a tether USD, Ethereum front, we recommend you to buy tether USD because from tether USD basically you can buy all the other major coins. And you have to check which of the payment processors you are going to go with because they are going to take your small fee, it's either one to free percent it depends. So, that's how you find your wallet. Now, after you have some money in your wallet, what you can do is go in the more section and into staking rewards and check out what staking offers they have at the moment. We have basically opened a new window, we are not going to go into a lot of details about what staking means. Staking means basically putting those cryptocurrencies that you have for example, the aetherium or others to work with more cryptocurrencies and it will generate like early work. So, basically they will be part of your coins and will be part of bigger projects or bigger work and they will generate early work because they are the platform that is using them for that and if you are going to scroll down, you can see that you can deposit for staking and you can calculate your potential rewards for different types of cryptocurrencies. For example, we want a Polkadot which is a very popular cryptocurrency at the moment. And it will show you that basically, the equivalent in dollars of a Polkadot is $34.66. So, the yearly rewards for one Polkadot in staking is 2.43 USD dollars, which means that it's around 7% per year if I'm not mistaken, 7% per year. So it's not a lot but obviously, it's earning its passive income. And if we are going to scroll down you can see basically all the earnings for the major cryptocurrencies. And for Ethereum, it's one of the best estimated annual staking rewards up to 10%, for Polkadot exactly as we estimated around 7%. So 10% is not bad at all.
Basically, this is passive income, you just think about it, if you put your own money or cryptocurrency in the bank, you have maximum per year, maximum maximum, and that's if they have different special offers maybe 2% 1.5%.
that's the maximum. And if you take into consideration the inflation as well, I know a lot of people are talking about that, but it's something real. You might not actually earn anything, you might actually maybe even lose, or something like that. So stalking it's much more lucrative as a passive income than returns or dividends from the bank or other types of institutions. Obviously, it's a little bit more risky, but with the major platforms, it's very similar to banks and other other institutions as well. So, this is how you earn from staking and obviously, do your own research. Before actually going into this we want to do just to show you how this works.
- Now, another platform where you can do staking is BINANCE. And in BINANCE, it is very similar to BITFINEX. In terms of how it works, you will see that you have a wallet as well, you just click on the overview button of the wallet, you just click on deposit, and you can buy crypto with your credit card.
It's as simple as on BITFINEX. You buy crypto with your credit card. And then if you are going to go to finance. In the menu, you will see Binance Earn, you just click on Binance Earn, you are going to see that you have some type of earnings here. And if we are going to scroll down to fixed terms, you're going to see staking, and if we click on staking, we can see what we have for staking. We have more and here we can see all the offers that we have for staking, it's with a fixed term, I mean, you put your coin, your coins for example, near you put your coins in there, and you lock them for 40 days and the estimated annual earning interest is 10.79. Obviously, you will get probably 40 days, around 1%, almost 1%. So if you're going to have 100 near, you're going to have 101. Also, some platforms have compound interest rates, which means you can reach higher returns. They add the earnings every day and then they calculate the whole earnings. And if you scroll down, you can see all the staking offers that they have. So it's easy, as you can see, it's not complicated at all.
- Now another great platform that you can use, and we are going to finish with the staking it's BitMax. And if you're going to go on BitMax, again, similar, you can go to your asset, you just click on a deposit and you see what you can deposit here. Basically, to deposit on BitMax, you first have to buy from somewhere else. You cannot just pay with your payment card or something like that, you have to buy the crypto from somewhere else. Or just go to the flat payment. I mean, you don't have it directly in your wallet, you just go to the flat payment and you have a bank card payment. And you can use two providers. And basically from here you can make the switches. It will take a 2% fee rate and we just buy the coins that you want. And after that, because that's what we want to show you is the staking, BitMax offers a very good staking program. They have plenty of opportunities here as you can see Polkadot is better and if you scroll down, you can see other projects as well.
Can see they have many projects. And for some of them, it's very, very good staking rewards. Very good. So just check it out. BitMax, it's one of the best for staking rewards. So that's about all it's staking.