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So here’s what I did, first and foremost I become vigilant with my finances. I just got to a point where I was sick and tired of having bad credit, getting denied credit, and paying more because of the high interest rates I was getting due to my bad credit score.
I stopped urning for and buying things I couldn’t afford, I paid off as much debt as humanly possible, and here’s the big one… I looked at my credit report every monthy and contested the negative items and incorrect items but more on that in a moment.
It’s important here to reinforce the idea of my mindset change. I was no longer going to be a victim. What I had to do was sacrifice. Remember that, sacrifice! I was angry at myself for having bad credit, so I made a conscious decision to do something about it by whatever means necessary. This includes ditching the pay cable TV channels, downgrading my cell phone plan, and the big one, selling my beloved cars.
That’s right I sold my cars. The cars that I truly loved. A Lexus GS 430, A Hummer H2, and a Porsche Boxster. It was hard at first to swallow my pride and downgrade to an inexpensive, fuel efficient car, but this decision enabled me to do a couple key things.
Rid me of all the expense that come along with those cars like insurance, and fuel AND the proceeds from the sales allowed me to buy that cheap car and it gave me cash to pay off some other debts I had including my college loans which I thought I would be paying on till I was old and gray.
All of this of course increasing my credit score. But the key thing I mentioned above is paying close attention to your credit report and exactly what’s on it. There’s an informal stat floating around that something like 75% of Americans have errors on their credit report.