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Advanced Visualization Techniques
The following are several advanced creative visualization techniques that are useful to individuals who are familiar and comfortable with the enAre visualizaAon process. As always, these techniques are suggesAons that you may tailor to fit your own preferences.
A Glass of Water
Some people, especially those who visualize before sleep, will keep a glass of water on their nightstand or next to their beds. Upon awakening in the morning, they will drink this glass of water. This act reminds them that they are open to the universe and are able to receive what is sent their way. While certainly not a requirement, the galls of water technique provides a symbolic mnemonic that keeps the visualizer's eye on the prize.
Is What You Want Really What You Believe You Need?
Many people who visualize feel that if a certain visualized objecAve is not achieved it is because the desired object didn't jibe with that individual's personal beliefs. In other words, if you try and obtain something that is not consistent with your moral beliefs you will not be able to get it. Visualizing bad or evil outcomes fall squarely into this category. The universe seems unwilling to help foster negaAve energy. In fact, some visualizers believe that if you try and visualize a negaAve outcome for someone else, that desired negaAvity will actually rebound back on you.
It Is Polite to Say Thank You
GraAtude and contentment are important aspects of creaAve visualizaAon. When you are visualizing an outcome, especially when you are bringing it into your present reality, it is important to feel a sense of thankfulness. After all, you are asking for, and working towards, a personal goal. The benefit if this goal will be yours alone. It stands to reason that any visualization of this goal being achieved should be accompanied by appropriate emotional responses.
Takeaways for This Section
Using a glass of water to symbolize receptivity is useful when visualizing a goal;
Avoid visualizing negative outcomes and results;
Gratitude and contentment are important components of any successful visualization.
Many people use the process of creative visualization for personal ends. Often this involves material objects. Now make no mistake, there is nothing wrong with material objects or desiring certain objects in your life. However, creatve visualizaton is capable of manifestng much more in your life than a new TV, phone or automobile.
When used properly, creatve visualizaton can literally work miracles. You see, often when we believe in something strongly enough that belief can move mountains. This is the real power of creatve visualizaton. The belief in a certain outcome can literally alter behavior, emotonal response and even physical abilites.
In the 1980's a man by the name of Morris Goodman was involved in a plane crash that left him completely paralyzed and unable to breathe without a ventlator. His doctor's prognosis was bleak. His family was informed that it was unlikely that he would ever breathe on his own again, let alone walk. Prior to the plane crash, Goodman was a very successful insurance salesman who regularly practced creatve visualizaton.
While he was in the hospital, Goodman was able to communicate with family and medical staff by blinking his eyes. He told them that he fully intended on walking out of the hospital on his own two feet. The medical staff dismissed this as completely impossible.
Everyday Goodman visualized himself breathing on his own and walking on his own. In great detail he visualized the route he would take when leaving the hospital, the people he would pass and the amazed look on their faces. HE devoted himself completely to this objectve.
One day, Goodman said that he had a great urge to breathe on his own. He steeled himself and with effort he began breathing on his own. From that point on, the progress of his recovery was amazing. He regained full use of his limbs and a short Ame later he did indeed walk out of the hospital under his own power.
Morris Goodman became known as "The Miracle Man". He conAnued his successful career in insurance sales. He also became a highly sought after moAvaAonal speaker. He often ends his presentaAon by saying to the audience that a "person becomes what they think about".
Morris Goodman is not an anomaly. There are countless people out there in the world, just like you, who have harnessed the power of creaAve visualizaAon to achieve personal goals. These goals range from weight loss, to addicAon recovery and more. The point is that when creaAve visualizaAon is used on a regular basis and with a posiAve abtude and willingness to act then nothing is impossible. The power of the human mind is an amazing thing. All that it takes to uAlize that power is a willingness to believe and receive.
This brings us to the end of our look into the power and practice of creative visualization. It's been an interesting and enlightening journey. You've learned about the basics of visualization, including what it is and how it works and why it's important in your own life. You've learned about the specific steps involved in the creative visualization process, including how to address some very important preliminary issues before you even consider beginning any visualization program. You've looked at a couple advanced visualization techniques that can enhance your success and bring you even more positive outcomes. Finally, we've looked at creative visualization in action and how it can work even in the most seemingly hopeless situations. Now, the ball is in your court. It's time for you to begin your own journey using your knowledge of creative visualization to make your wildest dreams and biggest hopes a reality.