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Chapter 5 Turn Your Blog Into a Money Making Machine
There are some people blog for the sheer joy of blogging. On the other hand, some people blog with the intent of making money. Regardless of your reasons for blogging, no one can deny the fact that blogging can help make you a lot of money. In this day and age where nothing is certain and the economy can come crashing down without warning, having alternative avenues of making money is always a good thing. This is the reason wiiy blogging is such an attractive venture; especially if you enjoy what you are doing. However, there are certain steps that you need to take to make sure that your blog can earn you a lot of money. Having a lot of traffic and posting great content maybe great for your blog and all, but you will need to master the art of making money online if you want to turn your blog into a lean, mean, money making machine. Listed below'- are some of the best ways to make a profit out of creative blogging.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing has consistently proven itself as one of the easiest w'ays to make money online. Simply put, affiliate marketing is a system in which an affiliate (in this case, you) can make money by trying to sell another person’s products online using your blog. Each time you help make a sale, you will get a commission. This is very attractive for many companies since they do not need to make an effort to market their products since their affiliates do the marketing for them. In addition to this, they only need to pay their affiliate every time they make a sale so this is a very cost effective solution as well.
There are many affiliate marketing programs out there and you can easily sign up free of charge. However, you will need to choose which products you plan to market wisely. This is where your blog comes in. Pick products that are closely related to your chosen niche market. This way, you can maximize your chances of making a sale since chances are, the people who visit your blog will also be interested in the products that you are tiying to market. It also goes without saying that the more traffic your blog gets, the more money you can earn from affiliate marketing.
When choosing an affiliate marketing program, you will also need to take a close look at the commission being offered. Commissions can range from as low as 3% or as high as 90% depending on the program as well as the products you have chosen to use. If you have chosen to market low value, fast selling items, then the commission you will get will be pretty low. However, you can still make a lot of revenues by using volume to your advantage. Conversely, expensive and slow moving items will offer higher commissions but chances are, you will only get to sell a few' of these items per day. Choose whichever option you think suits your blog the best.
Google Adsense And Other Similar Services
When Google’s Adsense first came out, it changed the way people made money online. When push comes to shove, Adsense was and still is one of the most profitable ways of monetizing websites. When used properly, people can make a considerable amount of money with Adsense and in some cases; it could help people earn more money than they could with a full time job.
If this is the first time that you have heard of Adsense, then a short introduction is in order. Adsense is simply a system that was introduced by Google wherein site owners can make money by using advertisements on their sites. If you choose to enroll in Adsense, then you can allow*-Google to post different types of ads on your website. These ads include text, images as well as video advertisements. When people who visit your site click on one of the ads, you can earn money. If you have thousands of people visiting your blog every day, then this can quickly add up to a lot of revenue.