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When it comes to making money online and profiting from your website, one of the most reliable strategies is to sell products. Yes, you can make money with ads or affiliate programs, but if steady streams of income that you can count on are your goal, having your own paid products is the way to go.
That being said, it can be expensive and a bit risky to offer your own products for sale. This applies in particular when you're talking about physical products. You have to buy the inventory, store it, and then ship it out to customers. Not only does it take a substantial investment on your part (and a risk if the products don't end up selling), it's also quite a bit of extra work to ship and handle each item.
Digital products, on the other hand, are easy to create, easy to store, and you can sell the same item over and over again. It's a lot more scalable and an excellent way to generate a reliable income from your online presence. It's also what this guide is all about. Over the coming pages and chapters, I'll show you what digital products are and why you should create them, how to create info products that your audience wants and needs, how to create your first digital product, and how to expand on this idea so you can keep working away on creating your very own digital product empire.
Along the way, there will be plenty of tips and ideas to get started, make things easier, and most importantly make this entire effort more profitable. I recommend you read this guide with a notebook in hand to take notes and jot down ideas as they come up.
By far the most important job for you is to take action. This short guide won't do you any good if you sit on the information and don’t do anything with it. I would like to challenge you to start working on your first digital product as soon as you're done reading the guide. In fact, read it with the intent to have your first product launched within a month (or even earlier). Start thinking about the products you can create as you read it and then get to work. The only thing standing between you and your first digital product that makes you money is action.
Ready to get started? Let’s start by taking a look at what these digital or information products I’ve been talking about are and what you can create yourself.
What Are Digital Products
Let’s dive a little deeper and talk about what exactly digital products are, what different types you may want to consider putting together for your audience, and the likes. As you read through this chapter, you may start to come up with potential product ideas. Jot them down, so you have something to brainstorm and work from throughout the coming chapters.
The main reason digital products are such a great way to make offers to your target audience, your website visitors, blog readers, and email subscribers is that they are products you can create yourself. There's no overhead. There's no long product development and testing process. There's no warehouses and shipping department to worry about. They are products that your customers purchase online and then download.
I’m sure you’ve come across plenty of free and paid digital products already. They are the short reports or audio/video recordings you get as a "Thank You" for signing up for someone’s email list. It’s the eBook you bought on a website ages ago to learn how to get your baby to sleep through the night. It's the video tutorial course you signed up for to figure out how to use Facebook ads. And of course, the report you're reading right now is a digital product.
In essence, digital products are bought and downloaded online. Most of them are information products. The big advantage is that they are created once and can then be sold again and again. This means that a digital product business is very scalable. Once you have your product, it’s not much harder to sell 1,000 copies than it is to sell 5. That’s what makes it so attractive to online marketers and solo entrepreneurs. It’s not terribly complicated to get into the information product business, yet you can scale it up to make big money by creating more products and reaching larger and larger audiences.
With information products, you end up spending a fairly short amount of time in the beginning to create your product, and then shift focus and spend almost all your time marketing it going forward. Until you're ready to create the next product. This is a very good thing because it allows you to focus on and learn how to do this one step at a time. It's yet another reason why it is such a good type of product to produce.
Let's wrap this first chapter up with a quick look at the different types of digital products out there. What they all have in common is that they are a way to share content and information with the people who are looking for it or need it to reach their goals.
EBooks and Short Reports
One of the easiest digital products for most people to create is an eBook or short report. The eBook you're reading right now is the perfect example of this. The content is usually written in a text editor or word processor like Google Docs, or Microsoft Word. It is then turned into a pdf and uploaded to the web. Customers can then download the pdf after they purchase the product.
The big advantages of this type of product are that it’s easy to create with software most of us have and are comfortable to use. It’s also easy to change and update the product down the road. You simply go back to your original Word document, changing it as needed, creating a new pdf, and uploading it to replace the old version. If your preferred method of content creation is writing, this is the way to go.
Audio Books and Audio Courses
If you’re not comfortable typing out your product, or you know that your target audience prefers to listen to content over reading it, audio products can be a great choice. They also make a high-value addition to
your written eBook. Record yourself reading your eBook for an audio book component to your digital product that adds a lot of perceived value. Another option is to create an audio course where you walk students through each lesson in audio recordings. You can create checklists and handouts to go along with the audio content.
Video Courses And Webinars
A third option is creating video products. You can create a video course and record each lesson either via screen capture software or by recording yourself talk using your webcam, phone, or even your digital camera. You edit and upload these videos to your site and deliver them to your customers who can either download or stream the videos. If you go this route, I recommend you create short individual lessons over one long video. It makes it easier to upload, download, and consume. It also makes it much easier for you to go back and change one little video instead of the whole thing when you need to make changes.
Of course, live webinars and webinar recordings make another attractive video product. You invite your customers to join you live and then also provide them with the recording later. It's a fun format that allows you to create your digital content on the fly and interact with your target audience.
Checklists And Printables
Last but not least let’s talk about a quick and easy product you can create out of checklists and printables. People like things that make their lives easier from printable meal plans and shopping lists to checklists for setting up their first blog. Tap into this need by compiling the information and presenting it in an easy to use format. Checklists and printables also make great addition or bonuses to any other digital products.
Of course, this isn't a complete list of what you can do with digital information products. You could also create apps or software, develop custom spreadsheets and the likes. It's simply a list of some of the most common and easy to create digital products. It's a starting point for you, and of course, you can mix and match these products to fit your needs and those of your target audience. Which brings us to chapter two which is where we'll explore what your potential customers want and need.