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Create Your Own Unique Online Brand - Page 1 Create Your Own Unique Online Brand - Page 2
Discover and Communicate Your Passion
Branding has evolved from nonsensical trademark names to descriptive words that tell people who you are and what your passion is in life. Take, for instance, Xerox: this name had no real meaning until the machines came out and people used them as a common meaning for photocopying papers. While the brand is now known worldwide, the brand has been completely diluted into a generic meaning that is hard to defend as being unique and expressive of a company brand. In order to create a brand name today, you want to give special attention to the qualities that make this name unique and how it is descriptive of what you do or who you are in business or life.
In a way, we all come into this world with our own personal branding: Our names. This tells members of our family and the people we meet who we are, but doesn’t really express our personal qualities. Sometimes, people acquire nicknames or make up their own to help express more of their own unique qualities, and this is used as a form of group personal branding. If that personal branding also expresses what your passion in life is, you can use it to help promote yourself to others. Personal branding, as well as business branding, is all about conveying your self-image to others in a way that what they perceive is identical to what you are projecting to them.
If you have a domain name, that’s a form of business branding, just like your business name is. These tend to be more expressing of the products and services offered rather than of the personal qualities of the owner. In the past, in conventional advertising, you would know the business name before you learned the owner’s name. However, with so many people using social networks these days, personal branding is becoming as equally important in business and company branding.
Whether you choose one, the other, or both to promote, the idea is to project your passion to a bigger audience. If your passion is connecting others to their soul mates, then you might use a business or personal name with the word love in it. That’s your passion. It’s not as hard as it seems to think up a few choice brand names to try out. What is hard is reserving them online when so many have already been snapped up by others.
Brainstorm and Research Your Brand
That’s why in order to get a good one, you have to start to brainstorm early. It’s going to take a while to come up with a brand name that you love and that is also available as a domain name. One thing is certain: most two-word-phrased domain names are already taken. You will probably have to go with three words or more, or you might try purchasing a smaller domain name from someone who is squatting on it and waiting for a buyer to offer him/her some money.
Even if you’re not going to use it for business, you will want to reserve as many profiles and even a domain name with your name in it. Celebrities with established careers already have lawyers who do this on a regular basis for them. However, if you start your business brand and then you suddenly achieve fame in the middle of it all, you’ll probably end up paying someone else to give back your personal brand name on the Internet. There are many opportunists out there who go out and try to reserve names like Paris Hilton or other notables with large followings. If your following increases, so will the number of fake spammers out there, and you want to be ready by having already reserved your name on the biggest sites like Facebook, Twitter, and a personal branded .com name.
Hop online now and check to see what’s available for your domain name possibilities using Whois.net. You can check a variety of different extensions besides .com sites. If the domain is already reserved or bought, you will see the owner of the domain name. It will also tell you who you can contact should you want to try and buy the name. Otherwise, you can get onto popular hosting sites of your choice and try to register the domain name. Whois.net will also tell you (when it’s not available) what other names you might try to reserve instead that are available. Typically, they are prefixed with the word my or something similar, but are slightly different. You can even register the domain name right there for a charge of $9.95/year.
Promote Your Brand
Online, if you want to be known as an expert, all you have to do is to claim to be an expert and then help others with your expertise. People learn who you are by interacting with you and can make up their own opinions about you and your company. The interactivity and the ability to reach people all around the world for very little money is what levels the playing field between companies and individuals. Information isn't as segregated as it once was, and it's also quite a bit more transparent. Now, no matter how much a big company spends on promoting some defective product, odds are that there will be numerous online complaints that are easily accessible and that dissuade new customers from purchasing a defective product. In the same vein, if you have a spectacular brand and some wonderful product or service, you can promote the brand and the positive vibes by sharing that information online to attract new customers.
There are a few places online that you can leverage to get the most positive publicity with minimal effort. You could spend a lot more time plastering the World Wide Web with your own press release, but ultimately, as a business owner, you just don't have the time to do too much promotion. Even if you can do the following list, you should seriously think about hiring a company or an individual to help you publicize your offerings online in a manner that will get you more exposure.