"Start Your Own High Traffic, Self-Promoting Forum In ANY Niche From Scratch Without Any Technical Knowledge..."
..And Increase Your Affiliate Commissions, AdSense Revenue, Sign-Ups And Product Sales From A High Converting Community Starting Today..!
As you already know, forums bring people together and relationships are formed.
Those relationships can become business related, which is where you come in. You've seen how popular message boards get, Yahoo! Answers, Facebook, Twitter, and more are examples of high interaction.
Now we're not going to dive into social networking here, but my point is that those forum owners can usually sell advertising space or make some good revenue from a strong community no matter how large it is.
No matter what type of forum you run and what niche you are in, there are many ways to earn money with it. Think of how many forums start out even without the idea of making money and can have so many advertisers begging them to put their ads on their site. Or think of how many affiliate related or CPA related offers you could put on the forum?
A forum is kind of like an email list, except you have stronger relationships and a lot more interaction, so the conversions can be huge.
"Who Me?.. Set Up A Forum?.. You Must Be Joking!"
Starting a forum may sound challenging for some and just impossible for others. Have these thoughts gone through your mind?..
How do I create a forum from scratch? - You might be thinking that you have to be some sort of technical whizz kid to set up your own forum? Nothing could be further from the truth - in fact you've got all the tools you need!
How do I know if my niche is going to be profitable or not? - There's no point trying to create a forum, drive traffic to it and then wonder if your forum is going to be profitable or not. You'll know the answer before you start.
Do I need to hire out a programmer? - Depending on the complexity of your forum you may require certain 'outsourced' skills. We'll reveal to you what you can and should do by yourself and when it's worth hiring a programmer.
How do I plan out my forum for long term success? - Whilst some people create websites, blogs, and even forums for the quick buck it will never last. You're about to learn the tactics used to keep you active and alive years from now!
What sort of revenue can I expect and where from? - It's always worth asking yourself not just if the niche is profitable, but how much you can expect to make from it. This will act as your compass when fishing out the good niches from the bad.
How much traffic can I get? - Traffic will keep your forum alive and most of it will come from your visitors voluntarily linking to certain pages within your site. Inside you'll find out how to forecast your traffic levels before you've even started.
What's the best way to monetize my forum? - AdSense, digital products, Amazon, rotating ClickBank ads.. you name it and most forums will already be monetized by them. But which one is best for your niche? How do you ensure the highest payout or best combination of ads?
Do I have to administrate the forum myself? - Afterall, it's your own forum you should stay in control of it right? Or will it become a hinderance and stop you from developing your business?
Do I have to consider SEO for my forum? - Is it even possible to adjust your forums to consider SEO?
If you can relate to any of these, then...