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Think of a young couple in love –they develop their own language that is indecipherable to anyone else, and in this way they become 2 against the world. You can replicate this with your own sacred words, so don't be afraid to get creative –your customers will love you for it.
7. The Leader –this person is the catalyst, the risk taker, the visionary, the iconoclast who set out against all odds to achieve something. Think Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah, Gandhi, Richard Branson, Nelson Mandela and others who have led movements, companies and causes.
The leader could be the founder or it could be someone who takes their place functionally or symbolically. This means if you don'twant to be the leader, you can choose someone else, like a spokesperson for your brand.
Does all of this sound like too much work just to sell a 7
product? Perhaps it is if you're thinking small. If your goal is to sell a few hundred copies of something and move on, then you don't need these 7 steps. But if you want to create something that takes on a life of its own and grows exponentially, then adhering to every one of these 7 pieces of the Primal Code is essential.
We talk about making a video or an idea or a product go viral. How does that happen? Is it an accident, or is it because that product or idea meets every one of these 7 criteria? Spend some time looking at the famous people and especially popular brands, and see if they don't use all 7 of these in their marketing.
Look at it this way –if you could create a brand that grows like a religion, wouldn't you want to? Imagine the people you can help, the alliances you can forge, and the profits you can make.